Item Coversheet

Agenda Item - 5.a.

City of Garden Grove


To:Scott C. Stiles

From:Teresa Pomeroy
Dept.:City Manager 

Dept.: City Clerk 

Consideration of an appointment to fill a vacancy on the Housing Authority Commission.  (Action Item)



For the Mayor to appoint and for the City Council to approve an appointment to fill the vacancy on the Housing Authority Commission.

Housing Authority Steve Solorio resigned as Housing Authority Commissioner citing he was no longer available to attend regular Housing Authority meetings.  Following Mr. Solorio's resignation, Housing Authority staff reached out to the tenants under the Authority and provided applications to those who were interested and those who could commit to regularly attending meetings.  A vacancy notice was published and posted on June 11, 2021.

Pursuant to the Housing Authority Bylaws, the Housing Authority shall consist of all Council Members and shall appoint as commissioners two tenants of the Housing Authority.  Pursuant to the Garden Grove Municipal Code 2.21.010(A), the Mayor, with approval of the City Council, shall make all appointments to boards, commissions, and committees unless otherwise specifically provided by statute.  The attached lists those under the Authority who submitted an application to serve as a Housing Authority Commissioner.

There is no financial impact by this action.  Housing Authority Commissioners receive compensation in the amount of $50 per meeting not exceeding four meetings per month, which is budgeted through the Housing Authority administration.  

It is recommended that the Mayor and City Council:


  • Consider and appoint a Housing Authority Commissioner.

DescriptionUpload DateTypeFile Name
Housing Authority List of Applicants6/9/2021Backup MaterialList_of_Applicants.pdf
Vacancy Notice6/9/2021Backup MaterialHousing_Authority_Commission_Special_Vacancy_Notice_(June_2021).pdf