Item Coversheet

Agenda Item - 3.g.

City of Garden Grove


To:Scott C. Stiles

From:William E. Murray
Dept.:City Manager 

Dept.: Public Works 

Approval of a purchase order to Inductive Automation for the purchase of SCADA software for the City's Water Systems. (Cost: $81,197.50) (Action Item)



To obtain City Council approval for the issuance of a purchase order to Inductive Automation for the City's Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) software Ignition and related components in the amount of approximately $81,197.50 to standardize and upgrade the current SCADA software.

The City completed the SCADA Master Plan for the water system in 2020. The findings from the Master Plan concluded that the current SCADA system is obsolete. The SCADA system requires replacement for both hardware and software components, with exception of fiber optic communications.


The SCADA system hardware and software includes a comprehensive set of components and applications that communicate via the SCADA network. The items include programmable logic controllers, human machine interface, panel-mounted operator interface terminals, servers and operating systems.


The City has contracted with West Yost Associates to implement the projects as identified in the Master Plan. One of the Foundational Improvement Projects being implemented includes the upgrade and standardization of the SCADA software.


The City’s water system is currently using two SCADA software programs, Wonderware by Aveva and Ignition by Inductive Automation. Ignition is the newer software added to the SCADA marketplace that has been installed, operated and evaluated at the City’s Well Site No. 27 for the past three years. In addition, the Sanitation SCADA system has integrated the Ignition software for all of its facilities for the last five years.


The 2020 SCADA Master Plan has recommended the use of the latest version of the Ignition SCADA Software to be implemented for the entire City’s water system. Ignition software is being recommended for the following reasons:


  • The Ignition software is currently used by the Sanitation System and one of the water facilities and it has been proven to function well at all of the current facilities.


  • To standardize and expand the use of the Ignition software for the rest of the water system; all facilities will be on the same software for ease of operation and maintenance.


  • The use of the Ignition software will increase the City’s cybersecurity resilience as Inductive Automation has demonstrated a focus on cybersecurity in the development and maintenance of the Ignition platform.


  • Ignition software has a better training program and it is much less expensive compared to Wonderware. Ignition software offers free training videos that are easily accessible to operational staff at any time.


Pursuant to Garden Grove Municipal Code 2.50.060 (G), and based upon the recommendation of the 2020 Master Plan, the Public Works Department requests that the City Council determine it to be in the best interest of the City to forego the bidding process and select Inductive Automation as the vendor for the City’s SCADA software upgrade.


The purchase of this SCADA software upgrade project is $81,197.50 and will be financed with Water Enterprise Funds, as part of the City's long-term capital plan. There is no impact to the General Fund. 


It is recommended that the City Council:


  • Authorize the request to dispense with bidding in the best interest of the City pursuant to Garden Grove Municipal Code 2.50.060 (G); and


  • Authorize the Finance Director to issue a Purchase Order to Inductive Automation in the amount of $81,197.50.


By: Rebecca Li

      Senior Civil Engineer

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