Item Coversheet

Agenda Item - 3.a.

City of Garden Grove


To:Scott C. Stiles

From:Lisa L. Kim
Dept.:Director/City Manager 

Dept.: Community and Economic Development 

Adoption of a Resolution to approve transfer of property located on the north side of Acacia Parkway, between Nelson and Main Street. (Joint Action Item with the City Council)



For the Successor Agency to adopt a Resolution (Exhibit A) to approve the transfer of certain Real Property located on the north side of Acacia Parkway, between Nelson and Main Street pursuant to Successor Agency to wind down the affairs of the dissolved redevelopment agency.


Following redevelopment dissolution in 2012, furthering redevelopment wind-down efforts require the Successor Agency to dispose of the real property assets of the former Garden Grove Agency for Community Development (former Agency). This is achieved through implementation of the approved Long Range Property Management Plan (LRPMP) by the Department of Finance that governs the disposition method for the former Agency properties.


Subject property is identified as Assessor Parcel Number 089-201-32 (Property) listed as Property Number 54 in the LRPMP.  The Property is triangular shaped land area of approximately 675 square feet (.015 ac).  It is a remnant, vacant parcel, improved with a fire hydrant (Exhibit B).


The remnant Property is located on the north side of Acacia Parkway, beginning approximately 140 feet east of Nelson Street, a level planter of which the westerly boundary is improved with a six-foot block wall adjacent to residential use, the northerly boundary is open to a private road, and the southerly boundary abuts the City’s public right-of-way.  With the remnant parcel improved with a fire hydrant adjacent to the public right-of-way, the continuation to an open and direct fire hydrant access is critical for public health and safety. An appraisal by an independent professional appraiser determined the Fair Market Value to be $3,500.00. The appraisal report is attached as (Exhibit C).


It is recommended that the Successor Agency adopt a Resolution to approve transfer of the Property to the City.  The transfer and disposition of this Property is exempt from the Surplus Land Act as it is less than 5,000 square feet in land area.  Following consideration by the Successor Agency, concurrence and approval of the disposition by the Oversight Board and the State Department of Finance is required.


The cost of the disposition/transfer will be $3,500.00 from the City’s General Fund, and is available in the adopted budget.


It is recommended that the Successor Agency Board:


  • Adopt the Resolution approving the disposition/transfer between the City and the Successor Agency for the Property located on the north side of Acacia Parkway, between Nelson and Main Street; and,


  • Authorize the Executive Director and Successor Agency Secretary to execute the Grant Deed, and any pertinent documents needed to effectuate the disposition/transfer and make minor modifications as needed on behalf of the Successor Agency.


It is recommended that the City Council:


  • Authorize the City Manager and City Clerk to execute the documents required to accept the Grant Deed and any pertinent documents needed to effectuate the disposition/transfer and make minor modifications as needed, on behalf of the City.


DescriptionUpload DateTypeFile Name
Exhibit A - Resolution - Parcel 089 201 323/10/2021ResolutionExhibit_A_-_Resolution_-_Parcel_089_201_32.docx
Exhibit B - Parcel Exhibit - Parcel 089 201 323/10/2021ExhibitExhibit_B_-_Parcel_Exhibit_-_Parcel_089_201_32.pdf
Exhibit C - Appraisal Report - 089 201 323/10/2021ExhibitExhibit_C_-_Appraisal_Report_-_089_201_32.pdf
Exhibit D - Grant Deed - 089 201 323/10/2021ExhibitExhibit_D_-_Grant_Deed_-_089_201_32.docx