Item Coversheet

Agenda Item - 6.a.

City of Garden Grove


To:Scott C. Stiles

From:William E. Murray
Dept.:City Manager/General Manager 

Dept.: Public Works 
Subject:Approval of Amendment No. 1 to the agreement with West Yost Associates for professional services Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) Implementation Projects. (Cost: $452,849) (Joint Action Item with the Garden Grove Sanitary District.)Date:2/23/2021


To receive Garden Grove City Council approval of Amendment No 1 to an agreement with West Yost Associates and the City of Garden Grove to provide professional engineering services for Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) Implementation Projects to include Sanitation Facilities; and for the Sanitary District Board to approve the allocation of sewer funding to include Sanitation Facilities.

The City has recently completed the SCADA Master Plan and the American Water Works Association Cyber Security Assessment of the water system as part of the Water Master Plan.  A list of projects were identified to upgrade and rehabilitate the SCADA system throughout the City’s water system. West Yost Associates had been selected and contracted to provide engineering/design, bidding support, and construction management/inspection services for all the identified SCADA projects for Water Services for the next five-year period.


During the preliminary design phase of the SCADA standardization and global system control of the water system, it has been determined that the upgrade and rehabilitation of the SCADA system for sewer pump stations are also required to be standardized and be consistent with the whole city SCADA system. To standardize design, minimize costs, and expedite the process, staff proposes the sewer SCADA portion to be added to the existing water SCADA contract.  The scope of services includes engineering/design, bidding, and construction management/inspection services for the sewer system SCADA upgrade and rehabilitation. The consultant has submitted the scope of work and breakdown of the estimated costs associated for the additional work as the attached Amendment 1.


An amendment to the existing agreement with the City of Garden Grove is required to include the extra scope of work and cost, from $3,182,944 to $3,635,793, a $452,849 increase.  The amendment will ensure West Yost Associates can provide all the services that are required for the water and sewer systems.  Funding for the extra scope of work and cost related to the sewer pump stations will be funded through Sewer District funds.


There is no impact to the General Fund. This cost will be financed with Sewer Funds, in the amount of $452,849.

It is recommended that the City Council:


  • Approve Amendment No. 1 to the existing Agreement with West Yost Associates and City of Garden Grove, increasing the existing Agreement amount from $3,182,944 to $3,635,793, a $452,849 increase to be funded with Sewer Funds; and


  • Authorize the City Manager to sign the Agreement, and make minor modifications as appropriate on behalf of the City Council.


It is recommended that the Sanitary District Board:


  • Approve allocating $452,849 in Sewer Funds to cover the cost of services for Sanitation Facilities. 


By:  Rebecca Li, Sr. Civil Engineer

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Scope of Work2/16/2021Backup MaterialLP_-_City_of_Garden_Grove_Sanitation_SCADA_Upgrade_Revised02_Proposal_(1).pdf