Item Coversheet

Agenda Item - 3.c.

City of Garden Grove


To:Scott C. Stiles

From:Tom DaRé
Dept.:City Manager 

Dept.: Police 

Rejection of bids for RFP No. S-1276 for replacing the existing Police Department holding facility surveillance camera system. (Action Item)



To seek City Council approval to reject all proposals received for RFP No. S-1276.



The Garden Grove Police Department maintains a three-cell temporary holding facility and is responsible for the safety and security of the staff and inmates. Funds were allocated in the 2019-2020 budget and carried over into the 2020-2021 budget, authorizing the replacement of the existing Police Department holding facility surveillance camera system. The current system has been in use for approximately 10 years. As technology is ever evolving, it is important to replace the system as it reaches its end of life use.

In November 2020, a request for proposal was issued for the replacement of the Garden Grove Police Department holding facility surveillance camera system. On December 17, 2020, six proposals were received for providing and installing a camera system for the facility, however, all six proposals received exceeded the amount budgeted for the project (see below). Staff recommends rejecting all six proposals, re-evaluating the project and reissuing the request for proposal.



Am-Tech Total Security       $125,757.66

Case Global Inc.                 $153,419.31

Climatec, LLC                     $165,038.35

Comlock Security Group      $128,127.90

DataGear Inc.                     $101,336.40

Inter-Pacific, Inc.                $155,771.53


There is no financial impact to the City by rejecting RFP No. S-1276.


It is recommended that the City Council:


  • Reject all bids received on December 17, 2020, for providing and installing a camera system in the Garden Grove Police Department holding facility.



By: Lieutenant Brian Dalton