Item Coversheet

Agenda Item - 3.f.

City of Garden Grove


To:Scott C. Stiles

From:Laura J. Stover
Dept.:City Manager 

Dept.: Human Resources 

Adoption of a Resolution approving a new classification for the position of Sewer Pump Station Electrician. (Action Item)



To obtain City Council approval to create a new classification for Sewer Pump Station Electrician.


In response to changes in State wastewater regulations and an aging infrastructure, the City upgraded the sewer system with more modern equipment and instruments that relied upon complex electrical systems for their operation.  As a result of these changes to the system, the Public Works Director requested the creation of a new position classification to operate and troubleshoot the electrical supervisory controls of the City's wastewater collection system. 


The City's wastewater collection system was upgraded to better monitor and control the sewer pumps to ensure the City could meet State regulations on sewage and sanitation.  The upgraded equipment and instruments rely upon a more complex electrical supervisory control system, which requires skilled electrical training and knowledge to operate.  The responsibilities, technical training and knowledge required to operate, monitor, and repair electrical controls of the wastewater collection system is outside the scope of the classifications in the Sewer Maintenance job series.  


In addition, during the pandemic, there has been an even greater demand on the City's sewer system with residents spending more time at home.  This has led to an increase in the lift station pumps malfunctioning due to clogs and, ultimately, an increase in the potential for sewage backups and noncompliance with State regulations.  These concerns for public health and safety, along with a need for higher technical skills and knowledge, demonstrate the necessity of a position dedicated to the technical operation, maintenance, and repair of the equipment and electrical systems controlling the City's wastewater collection system. 


Therefore, it is necessary to create a new classification of Sewer Pump Station Electrician to address the City's needs.  The recommended range is U146.  The job description is attached for reference.  In lieu of adding a new position in the budget, it is recommended that an existing vacant Sewer Maintenance Worker position be reclassified to the new classification of Sewer Pump Station Electrician once approved.


This position will be funded through Sewer funds, thus it will not have any impact on the General Fund.  The additional cost to upgrading  a current position from Sewer Maintenance Worker to Sewer Pump Station Electrician is $14,050 annually and can be absorbed in the current budget.  This action will not increase the number of budgeted full-time positions or the General Fund.   


It is recommended that the City Council:


  • Adopt the attached Resolution to approve the creation of a new classification of Sewer Pump Station Electrician at range U146; and


  • Approve the attached salary schedule.

DescriptionUpload DateTypeFile Name
Classification Specification11/25/2020Backup MaterialSewer_Pump_Station_Electrician_Class_Spec.pdf
GG Salary Schedule11/24/2020Backup MaterialFT_Salary_Schedule_2020-12-08.pdf