Item Coversheet

Agenda Item - 3.a.

City of Garden Grove


To:Scott Stiles

From:William E. Murray
Dept.:General Manager 

Dept.: Public Works 

Award a contract for Project CP1141000 Partridge Lift Station Improvements to Pacific Hydrotech Corporation. (Cost: $614,900) (Action Item



For the Garden Grove Sanitary District (District) Board to award a contract to Pacific Hydrotec Corporation for the construction of CP1141000 – Partridge Lift Station Improvements Project.


The Partridge Lift Station was constructed in 2010 that serves the Thunderbird Mobile Home Park, and two professional lots on Partridge Street.  This sewer lift station is a submersible pump station located behind the curb, in the Partridge Street cul-de-sac, south of Garden Grove Boulevard. The lift station requires excessive maintenance due to frequent pump clogging caused by flushable wipes from the tributary area. The District provided public education and outreach to the tributary area in the past few years but no noticeable mitigation was observed in the pump clogging issue.


This project will relieve the pump clogging issue at the Partridge Lift Station and reduce frequent pump maintenance at the lift station.  The lift station improvements consist of the installation of a grinder to the station’s influent sewer and conversion of the existing SCE electrical service to three-phase power.


Five (5) bids were received and opened by the City Clerk’s Office on October 14, 2020, at 10:00 a.m. (see Bid Summary Sheet).  The lowest responsive bidder was Metro Builders & Engineers Group, Ltd. However, Metro Builders  has informed the District that their bid contains a major error (see Low Bid Withdrawal attachment).  Metro Builders has requested that they be relieved from the bid and that their bid bond be returned.  The District staff finds that their request meets the provisions of the Public Contract Code for granting such relief and concurs with the same. The second lowest responsive bidder, MMC, Inc., was disqualified for missing required documentation in their bid package.  The third lowest responsive bidder is Pacific Hydrotech Corporation, with a total bid of $614,900.  This bid is within the current project budget.  The licenses and references of the contractor have been reviewed and verified by staff, and all other documentation is in order.  The anticipated contract schedule is as follows:


Award Contract                 November 24, 2020

Begin Construction            January 18, 2021  

Complete Construction      May 28, 2021


There is no impact to the General Fund.  This project is included in the 2020/21 Capital Improvement Budget, and will be financed with Sewer Funds in the amount of $614,900.


It is recommended that the Sanitary District Board:


  • Award a contract in the amount of $614,900 for the construction of Project CP1141000 – Partridge Lift Station Improvements Project  to Pacific Hydrotech Corporation; and


  • Authorize the General Manager to execute the agreement on behalf of the Sanitary District, and to make minor modifications as appropriate.


By:  Liyan Jin, Associate Engineer

DescriptionUpload DateTypeFile Name
Attachment 1_Location Map 11/5/2020Backup MaterialAttachment_1__LocationMap-Project-CP1141000.pdf
Attachment 2_Lowest Bidder Withdraw Letter 11/5/2020Backup MaterialLetter_of_Withdrawal_-_MBAEGL_Signed.pdf
Attachment 3_Bid Summary Sheet11/5/2020Backup MaterialBid_Summary_Form.pdf
Attachment 4_Contract Agreement 11/9/2020AgreementAttachement_No._4_Contract_Agreement_Pacific_Hydrotech.pdf