Item Coversheet

Agenda Item - 3.f.

City of Garden Grove


To:Scott C. Stiles

From:William E. Murray
Dept.:City Manager 

Dept.: Public Works 

Approval of an agreement for sharing consultant costs for the 2020 Urban Water Management Plan with participating agencies and the Municipal Water District of Orange County.  (Shared Cost Amount:  $31,650) (Action Item)



To request that the City Council approve a Cost Sharing Agreement with the Municipal Water District of Orange County (MWDOC) for the preparation of the City’s 2020 Urban Water Management Plan.


The State Department of Water Resources requires that every urban water supplier providing water for more than 3,000 customers, or supplying more than 3,000 acre-feet of water annually, prepare and adopt an Urban Water Management Plan (Plan) that requires an update every five years.  The purpose of the Plan is to achieve the efficient use of urban water supplies to protect the ratepayers of Garden Grove and their water resources.  The Plan also helps ensure that sufficient water supplies will be available for future beneficial use.


MWDOC was requested to facilitate this joint effort to retain one consulting firm to prepare Plans and to potentially save time and costs through economies of scale.  Last June, MWDOC solicited Request for Proposals to prepare the Plan on behalf of MWDOC member agencies, of which Garden Grove is a member.  A selection committee evaluated the proposals and recommended Arcadis U.S. Inc. based on their proposal being geared towards efficiency and partnership with MWDOC on obtaining key information such as data collection and reliability analyses.



In accordance with the Urban Water Management Planning Act of 1983, the Plan update requires preparation, adoption, and submittal to the State Department of Water Resources by July 1, 2021.  Staff has limited resources and an aggressive schedule in which to complete the Plan by the required due date.  Therefore, staff is seeking to enter into a cost sharing agreement in the amount of $31,650 with MWDOC to have Arcadis prepare the City’s Plan.



Funding for this cost sharing agreement in the amount of $31,650 is available within the Water Services Budget.  There is no impact to the General Fund.


It is recommended that the City Council:


  • Approve the Professional Services Cost Sharing Agreement between the City and Municipal Water District of Orange County for the preparation of the 2020 Urban Water Management Plan in the amount not to exceed $31,650; and


  • Authorize the City Manager to execute the agreement on behalf of the City and make minor modifications as appropriate thereto.



By:    Cel Pasillas, Water Quality Supervisor

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