Item Coversheet

Agenda Item - 2.c.

City of Garden Grove


To:Scott C. Stiles

From:Omar Sandoval
Dept.:General Manager 

Dept.: General Counsel 

Approval of a Quitclaim of Sewer Easement to property owner of 12821 Knott Street, Garden Grove.  (Action Item)



For the Garden Grove Sanitary District Board (District) to approve a Quitclaim Deed for property located at 12821 Knott Street, Garden Grove, for a sewer easement.


Rexford Industrial purchased the former Next Level Sports Complex facility at 12821 Knott Street, and obtained permits from the City of Garden Grove to expand the facility to increase warehouse capacity. 


On behalf of the District, the City imposed a condition on the approval of Site Plan No. SP-079-2019, to require the property owner to remove the sewer easement for the 8" sewer main running along the northern portion of the property connecting the existing building to the District's main sewer so that the 8" sewer line becomes a private sewer to be maintained by the property owner.


The property owner, Rexford Industrial, has accepted the condition and will maintain the 8" sewer line as a private sewer.  The District will therefore have no need for a sewer easement for the location of the 8" sewer line connecting the existing building to the District's main sewer, and a quitclaim of the easement back to the property owner is therefore appropriate.


The quitclaim deed and description of the easement area being deeded back to the property owner is included as an attachment to this report.



It is recommended that the Sanitary District Board of Directors:


  • Approve the attached Quitclaim Deed for property located at 12821 Knott Street, Garden Grove for the sewer easement;
  • Authorize the General Manager to execute the Quitclaim Deed; and
  • Authorize the Secretary to record the Quitclaim Deed with the County Recorder.

DescriptionUpload DateTypeFile Name
Quitclaim Deed8/4/2020Backup MaterialGGSD_Quitclaim_Deed_for_Existing_Easement-Rexford.pdf