Item Coversheet

Agenda Item - 4.d.

City of Garden Grove


To:Scott C. Stiles

From:Lisa L. Kim
Dept.:City Manager 

Dept.: Community and Economic Development 

Approval to award a contract to Kato Landscape, Inc. for the construction of City Project No. 176-01, Bicycle and Pedestrian Trail Landscape and Irrigation Project. (Cost: $510,966.60) (Action Item)



For the City Council to award a contract to Kato Landscape, Inc. for the construction of the Bicycle and Pedestrian Trail Landscape and Irrigation Project along the Medal of Honor Bike and Pedestrian Trail, from Brookhurst Street to Nelson Street, Project No. 176-01.


In 2018, the City was awarded a CalFIRE grant under the California Climate Investments in the amount of $573,931 with a City matching contribution of $216,244 equal to staff hours. The CalFIRE scope of work was comprised of a several tasks including: preparation of an Urban Forest Management Plan; an update to the City’s Tree Ordinance; a canopy cover assessment; and preparation of the Greenhouse Gas calculations for planting of 363 trees along the PE ROW.  The specific planting area is the Medal of Honor Bike and Pedestrian Trail located between Nelson Street and Brookhurst Street. 


Implementation of the CalFIRE grant will require installation of an irrigation system and planting of 363 trees along the Medal of Honor Bike and Pedestrian Trail. In July 2020, the bid proposal was advertised for interested bidders to submit proposals for installation of an irrigation system and planting of 363 trees.  Five (5) qualified bids were received on August 3, 2020 deadline.  The lowest qualified bidder was Kato Landscape, Inc. as detail below.


Scope of Work


Irrigation, landscape (planting 363 trees), and one-year maintenance/warranty


5% Contingency


Project Amount



The licenses and references of the contractor have been reviewed and verified by staff, and all other documentation are in order.  Construction is anticipated to begin on September 8, 2020 and completed in approximately 60 days.


Landscape maintenance of the Medal of Honor Bike and Pedestrian Trail remains a priority and it is further recommended that the irrigation and landscape maintenance contract be extended for an additional four years beyond the one-year maintenance contract and shall be funded by the Real Property Division.


A portion of the CalFIRE Grant has been allocated for this project in the amount of $331,734. The contract amount of $510,966.60 exceed the project’s existing appropriation, as such, an additional amount of $179,232.60 is necessary to complete the project, which includes:


  • Up to $79,232.60 from the General Fund, upon receipt of a one-time fee from Billboard Relocation Agreement with Outfront Media, anticipated to be received in October 2020;

  • Up to $100,000 from Fund 216, Citywide Park Fee, from budget savings upon the completion of the Offstreet Bike Trail, estimated by August 2020.  

If the anticipated digital billboard revenue or budget savings from the Off-Street Bike Trail project is not available during the current fiscal year, or cannot cover the funding requirement for the Project, any budget shortfall will be funded by available funds set aside for the Open Street event, currently at $146,000, and available fund balance in the Citywide Park Fee fund.


It is recommended that the City Council:


  •  Award a contract to Kato Landscape, Inc. in the amount of $486,634.60 for Project No. 176-01, Bicycle and Pedestrian Trail Landscape and Irrigation Project along the Orange County Transportation Authority (OCTA) right-of-way from Brookhurst Street to Nelson Street; 


  •  Authorize additional appropriation from the fund balances of the General Fund and the Citywide Park Fee Fund per conditions set above under the Financial Impact section of this report; 


  •  Authorize the Real Property Division to pay Kato Landscape, Inc. an amount not to exceed $90,000 for the irrigation and landscaping maintenance contract for Years 2 through 5; and 


  •  Authorize the City Manager to execute the Agreement, and make minor modifications as appropriate thereto, on behalf of the City.



By:    Paul Guerrero, Real Property Agent


DescriptionUpload DateTypeFile Name
Construction Agreement - OCTA Landscape & Irrigation Project - City Project No. 176-018/3/2020AgreementConstruction_Agreement_-_OCTA_Landscape___Irrigation_Project_-_City_Project_No._176-01.pdf
OCTA Landscaping & Irrigation Bid Summary Sheet - City Project No. 176-018/3/2020Backup MaterialOCTA_Landscaping___Irrigation_Bid_Summary_Sheet_for_Staff_Report.pdf