Item Coversheet

Agenda Item - 2.c.

City of Garden Grove


To:Scott C. Stiles

From:Tom DaRé
Dept.:City Manager 

Dept.: Police 

Approval of an agreement with Lexipol, LLC to provide Police Department policy manual maintenance and support, and appropriation of funding from Fiscal Year 2020-21.  (Cost:  $59,400) (Action Item)



To obtain City Council approval to appropriate funding from Fiscal Year 2020-21 and to enter an agreement with Lexipol, LLC, to provide policy manual maintenance, support and implementation services, and daily training bulletins for the Garden Grove Police Department. 


The Garden Grove Police Department utilizes a policy and procedures manual that is updated by the Department’s Professional Standards Division as needed.  The design and maintenance of the manual has become cumbersome and burdensome throughout the years because of the limited staffing available. The policy and procedures manual requires maintenance to ensure that it is up to date, representative of the current legal standards, and applicable to the nation’s best practices.


Lexipol, LLC, is America’s leading provider of risk management services, tools and resources for public safety organizations, delivering its copyrighted content and unique services through a web-based development system with an integrated training component. Lexipol’s policy manual is written by legal and law enforcement professionals who constantly monitor major court decisions, legislation and emerging trends affecting law enforcement operations. Additionally, Lexipol provides regular updates in response to legislative mandates, case law, and evolving law enforcement best practices.


The Lexipol subscription service is purchased by public safety organizations directly from Lexipol, LLC. Lexipol provides state-specific, customized policy and training solutions through a proprietary hosted application service. The comprehensive Lexipol copyrighted content and proprietary services are not available through any other public or private resources or organizations. The program is unique in several ways. No other company or system offers policy and risk management tools coupled with context-sensitive training in one integrated package.  Pursuant to Garden Grove Municipal Code Section 2.50.060(f), and based on the Police Department’s recommendation, the Finance Director has determined that the contract is for professional services to be let primarily based on qualifications.


Lexipol proposes to provide policy implementation services to ensure continuous implementation and delivery of policy content.  Timely implementation and adoption of policies allows Police Department staff quicker access to up to date policy content. 


The continuing use of Lexipol policy content will reduce staffing time spent revising and drafting departmental policies.  Lexipol archives departmental policies and tracks the changes, facilitating improved documentation of policy revision.  Lexipol also tracks documents of officers who have reviewed certain policies for keeping up to date training records. 


Lexipol’s team of public safety lawyers and policy experts continually monitor national and California specific policy changes.  Lexipol ensures that our policies will be up to date and legally defensible.  Using Lexipol’s program will provide the police department with:


-      Policies that reflect up to date industry standards and best practices

-      Content specific to the laws and practices of California

-      Daily scenario-based training that reinforces our department's policy

-      Timely updates in response to new legislation and case law


The Lexipol program offers online access to our policies through a web-based platform and mobile application.  This flexibility allows our personnel to easily reference policies and complete training in the field.  Lexipol’s daily training bulletins are designed to help personnel learn and apply our department’s policy content through 2-minute training exercises. 


The first-year implementation cost is $59,400 and will be funded by a combination of available asset forfeiture and grant funds in FY 2020-21.   If the contract is approved, an annual appropriation of $26,736 beginning in FY 2021-22 for yearly subscription costs will be required and the funding source will be determined during the next biennial budget development.  


It is recommended that the City Council:


  • Approve an agreement with Lexipol, LLC, in the start-up cost of $59,400 and an annual subscription cost of $26,736, to provide Policy Manual maintenance and support for the Police Department; and


  • Authorize the City Manager to execute the Agreement on behalf of the City and make minor modifications as appropriate thereto.

DescriptionUpload DateTypeFile Name
Lexipol Proposal7/28/2020Backup MaterialLexipol_Proposal.pdf
Lexipol Vendor Contract7/28/2020AgreementLexipol_Vendor_Contract.pdf