Item Coversheet

Agenda Item - 3.a.

City of Garden Grove


To:Scott C. Stiles

From:Lisa L. Kim
Dept.:City Manager 

Dept.: Community and Economic Development 
Subject:Introduction and first reading of an Ordinance approving Amendment No. A-027-2020 a zoning text amendment to Title 9 of the Municipal Code (Zoning Code)  Date:8/25/2020


To transmit a recommendation from the Planning Commission to the City Council, and to request that the City Council introduce and conduct the first reading of the attached ordinance approving Amendment No. A-027-2020 to repeal portions of Chapter 9.08 of Title 9 (Zoning) of the Garden Grove Municipal Code pertaining to Accessory Dwelling Units, and to add Chapter 9.54 to Title 9 of the Municipal Code to establish regulations for Accessory Dwelling Units (AUDs) and Junior Accessory Dwelling Units (JADUs) consistent with State law; and to determine that the Amendment is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act. 


Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs), formerly known as second-units, have been identified by the State of California as providing an important affordable housing option essential to meeting the State’s growing housing shortage.


In 1982, the State enacted legislation that authorized local jurisdictions to adopt provisions permitting second-units while maintaining local control.  In 2002, Assembly Bill (AB) 1866 was adopted to update the second-unit law to require local jurisdictions to allow second-units by-right on lots improved with an existing single-family home, subject to reasonable zoning and development standards.


In 2016, Senate Bill (SB) 1069 and Assembly Bill (AB) 2299 were adopted amending State law to further restrict local control over second-units for the purpose of allowing property owners more flexibility to build ADUs. 


In 2019, the State legislature adopted of series of bills, SB 13, AB 68, AB 587, AB 671 and AB 881, that became effective on January 1, 2020, which further restricted local control over ADUs and JADUs in order to facilitate more housing production.  Pursuant to State law, local jurisdictions that do not adopt a new ordinance consistent with State law are prohibited from imposing any zoning regulations on ADUs and JADUs beyond what is specified in State law.


During the interim period, from January 1, 2020 to the present, the City has applied the new State law requirements to all ADU and JADU projects submitted for plan check review, and has continued to issue building permits for their construction pending approval of an ADU and JADU ordinance.


On July 16, 2020, the Planning Commission held a Public Hearing to consider Amendment No. A-027-2020.  No persons from the public spoke on the item.  The Planning Commission voted 7-0 adopting Resolution No. 5995-20 recommending that the City Council adopt Amendment No. A-027-2020.


The proposed code amendment is intended to be consistent with new State law regulations pertaining to ADUs and JADUs. 


The following discussion describes the most significant State law changes affecting ADUs and JADUs that have been incorporated in the proposed ordinance.


Permitted Zones


State law now requires ADUs to be permitted on lots where either single-family and multiple-family residential developments are permitted.  The proposed ordinance will allow ADUs on any lot in the City that is zoned to allow single-family or multiple-family residential uses. 


State law now requires local jurisdictions to allow JADUs in all zones that allow single-family uses.  The proposed ordinance will allow JADUs within proposed or existing legally developed single-family dwellings on any lot in the City that is zoned to allow single-family residential uses. 


Minimum Lot Size


State law prohibits local jurisdictions from imposing a minimum lot size requirement to develop an ADU and JADU.  The proposed ordinance will comply with State law and will not impose a minimum lot size to develop ADUs and JADUs. 


Number of ADUs and JADUs Permitted


State law now requires local jurisdictions to allow one (1) ADU and/or one (1) JADU on a lot developed or proposed to be developed with a single-family residence.  State also law requires local jurisdictions to allow at least two (2) detached ADUs on lots developed or proposed to be developed with a multiple-family development, and to allow multiple ADUs to be constructed within portions of existing multiple-family dwelling structures not used as livable space, such as storage rooms, boiler rooms, passageways, attics, basements, garages, etc. up to 25% of the existing multiple-family units. 


The proposed ordinance will allow one (1) ADU, constructed through new construction or through a conversion, and/or one (1) JADU on a lot developed or proposed to be developed with a single-family residence, as applicable.


Furthermore, the proposed ordinance will allow up to two (2) attached or detached ADUs to be developed on a lot with a proposed or existing multiple-family development.  Also, multiple ADUs will be allowed to be constructed within portions of existing multiple-family dwelling structures not used as livable space, up to 25% of the existing multiple-family units. 


Maximum Unit Sizes


State law allows detached ADUs up to a maximum size of 1,200 square feet, and attached ADUs up to 50% of the existing primary unit or 1,200 S.F.  During the interim period since January 1, 2020, the City has approved ADUs up to 1,200 square feet in size, which is consistent with State law. 


The proposed ordinance will be consistent with State law, and will allow detached ADUs up to a maximum unit size of 1,200 square feet.  For attached ADUs, the ADU will be limited to fifty (50) percent of the floor area of the primary unit or 1,200 square feet, whichever is less.  If the primary residence is less than 1,600 square feet, an ADU of at least 800 square feet will be allowed. 


Finally, State law limits the maximum size of an JADU to 500 square feet.  The proposed ordinance will comply with State law, and will allow JADUs to range in size from 220 square feet to 500 square feet.


Number of Bedrooms Permitted


State law does not regulate the maximum number of bedrooms allowed in an ADU.  Since January 1, 2020, the City has only approved ADUs with up to two (2) bedrooms pending approval of a new ordinance that would allow for more than two (2) bedrooms.  Staff has observed that a 900 square foot ADU can accommodate up to three (3) bedrooms.  The proposed ordinance will allow up to three (3) bedrooms in an ADU, which gives larger households the opportunity to live in an ADU with sufficient sleeping rooms to serve the needs of the occupants, especially the needs of larger families. 


Since JADUs will be limited to a maximum size of 500 square feet, the maximum number of bedrooms that can be accommodate within a JADU is one (1) bedroom. 


Required ADU Parking


State law establishes the minimum parking requirements for ADUs and JADUs.  The proposed ordinance will comply with State law, and will require one (1) parking space for ADUs not located within one-half mile walking distance from a bus stop.  Furthermore, no parking will be required for ADU conversions or for JADUs pursuant to State law.


Replacement Parking


State law now prohibits local jurisdictions from requiring replacement parking if a garage, carport or covered parking structures is demolished to accommodate an ADU or ADU conversion.  The proposed ordinance will comply with State law, and will not require replacement parking if a garage, carport or covered parking structures are demolished to accommodate an ADU or ADU conversion. 


ADU Setbacks


State law now requires a minimum side and rear yard setback of 4 feet for all new, attached or detached, ADUs.  The proposed ordinance will comply with State law, and will allow detached and attached ADUs to maintain a rear and side yard setback of 4 feet.  


Other ADU and JADU Requirements


State law no longer requires owner-occupancy of one of the units; however, for properties developed with JADUs, local jurisdictions can impose the owner-occupancy requirement.  The proposed ordinance will impose owner-occupancy requirements for JADUs. 


In addition, the proposed ordinance will expressly prohibit ADUs and JADUs from being rented as short-term rentals with occupancies of 30-days or less, which is consistent with State law.


The proposed ordinance will allow (but not require) separate utilities for ADUs; however, no separate utilities will be allowed for a JADU due to the owner-occupancy requirement. 


State law has reduced the time a local jurisdiction has to review and approve plan check applications for ADUs and JADUs from 120 days to 60 days from the time a complete application is received by the City. 


State law has limited the development impact fees that local jurisdictions can charge for ADUs and JADUs.  ADUs and JADUs less than 750 square feet in size can no longer be charged impact fees, including traffic mitigation, parkway tree, park facility, and drainage fees.  For ADUs greater than 750 square feet, the impact fees must be charged proportionately in relation to the square footage of the main unit.


Attachment 1 provides a comprehensive comparison of the 2017 ADU Ordinance, the State law regulations, and proposed ADU and JADU regulations.


Once the proposed ordinance is adopted by the City, a copy of the ordinance will be submitted to the Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) for review for compliance with State law. 


No fiscal impact to the City regarding this proposed amendment.


It is recommended that the City Council:


  • Conduct a Public Hearing; and,


  • Determine that the Ordinance is categorically exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act pursuant to Title 14, California Code of Regulations, Section 15061(b)(3); and,


  • Introduce and conduct the first reading of the attached Ordinance approving Amendment No. A-027-2020 to amend Title 9 of the Municipal Code adopting regulations pertaining to accessory dwelling units and junior accessory units.

DescriptionUpload DateTypeFile Name
Attachment 1: ADU Comparison Chart7/22/2020Backup MaterialADU_Comparison_Chart.DOC
Attachment 2: Draft Ordinance for Amendment No. A-027-20207/22/2020OrdinanceDraft_Ordinance_for_Amendment_No._A-027-2020.DOCX
Attachment 3: Planning Commission Staff Report dated July 16, 2020 for Amendment No. A-027-20207/22/2020Backup MaterialPC_Staff_Report_A-027-2020.pdf
Attachment 4: Planning Commission Resolution No. 5995-207/22/2020Backup MaterialPlanning_Commission_Resolution_No._5995-20.DOCX
Attachment 5: Planning Commission Draft Minute Excerpt for July 16, 20207/22/2020Backup MaterialPlanning_Commission_Draft_Minute_Excerpt_July_16__2020.doc