Item Coversheet

Agenda Item - 3.c.

City of Garden Grove


To:Scott C. Stiles

From:William E. Murray
Dept.:City Manager 

Dept.: Public Works 

Adoption of a Resolution requesting the Orange County Transportation Authority to issue a 24-month Project Advertisement and Construction Award Delay for the Euclid-Westminster Intersection Improvement Project – Construction Phase (Project No. 19-GGRV-ICE-3938).  (Action Item)



For City Council to adopt a Resolution requesting the Orange County Transportation Authority (OCTA) to issue a 24-month Project Advertisement & Construction Award delay for the Euclid-Westminster Intersection Improvement Project - Construction Phase (Project No. 19-GGRV-ICE-3938).


In 2016, the City of Garden Grove applied for a grant under the Intersection Capacity Enhancement Program (ICE) requesting funding from OCTA to acquire the necessary right-of-way for the addition of a southbound right-turn lane and an eastbound right-turn lane at the intersection of Euclid Street and Westminster Avenue. Once the parcels were acquired, the City subsequently applied for construction funding under the ICE Program and was awarded a grant in 2019. This construction grant requires the City to award a construction contract no later than June 30, 2020.


Since the onset of this Project, the City had been diligently working with Southern California Edison (SCE) and other communication companies (AT&T, Charter, Frontier, and Crown Castle) in relocating their infrastructure affected by this improvement. However, coordination with SCE has been challenging and progress has been extremely slow, thus causing excessive project delays.


With a new project team, SCE now estimates that their relocation work will be completed in October 2020. Therefore, the City anticipates twelve months after SCE’s completion date for all other communication relocations to be completed. For these reasons, the City is requesting a Project advertisement and construction award delay from OCTA for subject Project. Staff has discussed this matter with OCTA and OCTA has given assent to this request. Upon approval of this resolution, the matter will then be forwarded to OCTA for approval by their Board of Directors.


There is no impact to the General Fund. Gas tax (Fund 061, 075), Traffic Mitigation Fees (Fund 064) and grant funding (Fund 424) will be used for funding this Project. 


It is recommended that the City Council:


  •  Adopt the attached Resolution requesting the Orange County Transportation Authority to issue a 24-month Project Advertisement and Construction Award Delay for the Euclid-Westminster Intersection Improvement Project – Construction Phase (Project No. 19-GGRV-ICE-3938)


By: Ana V. Neal, Sr. Administrative Analyst 

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