Item Coversheet

Agenda Item - 2.d.

City of Garden Grove


To:Scott C. Stiles

From:Maria Stipe
Dept.:City Manager 

Dept.: City Manager 
Subject:Approval to submit a response to the Grand Jury Report, Electric Vehicles Are Here – Is Orange County All Charged Up? (Action Item)Date:5/26/2020


The purpose of this report is for the City Council to approve the attached response to the 2019-20 Grand Jury Report, Electric Vehicles Are Here – Is Orange County All Charged Up? and authorize submittal to the Orange County Grand Jury.


On March 5, 2020, the Orange County Grand Jury released its 2019-20 Grand Jury Report, Electric Vehicles Are Here – Is Orange County All Charged Up?  The purpose of the report was to understand how Orange County cities and the county are implementing the requirements of Assembly Bill 1236, pertaining to Electric Vehicle Charging Stations (EVCS), and how they are encouraging public education about installation of level 2 EVCS at public residences and businesses.  In compliance with Penal Code 933.05 (a) and (b), the City is required to provide a response to each of the findings and recommendations directed to the City Council by June 3, 2020.  Specifically, the City is to respond to one finding and three recommendations.


In its effort to be a leader in reducing carbon dioxide emissions from roadway vehicles, California has sought to encourage the use of electric cars and trucks.  California Assembly Bill 1236 was enacted to require cities and counties to streamline the Level 2 charge installation permitting process.  Level 2, 240-volt charges are nearly six times faster than the original Level 1 recharging units.  The higher grade, faster charges require certified, professional electricians to assure correct installation and must include proper grounding, conductor ampacity, and circuit breaker size.


The Grand Jury report found that a number of Orange County cities, including Garden Grove, had not fully complied with AB 1236 that requires cities to implement a streamlined process in obtaining permits to install EVCS and make it available to the public on their websites. Although the City of Garden Grove had been processing EVCS ministerially and expeditiously, the law required the City to adopt an ordinance specifying the requirements for expediting the issuance of the permits.  Therefore, the City agrees with the Grand Jury’s finding and has adopted the required ordinance and updated its website. 


The Grand Jury report also outlined three recommendations.  Cities were advised to (1) update their municipal code to add an ordinance streamlining their EVCS permitting process by May 1, 2020, (2) create a streamlined permit process for single family residences, multi-family residences and businesses to obtain permits to install EVCS that includes an easy to use checklist by May 1, 2020, and (3) describe the streamlined EV charging installation permit application process and have the checklists and forms available on their websites by May 1, 2020.  The City’s response states that the City completed all of the recommendations before the deadline and is now in full compliance with AB 1236. 




It is recommended that the City Council:


  • Approve the attached response and authorize submittal to the Orange County Grand Jury.

DescriptionUpload DateTypeFile Name
Response to Grand Jury Report5/19/2020Cover MemoResponse_to_Grand_Jury_Report.Electric_Vehicles.5.26.20.pdf
Grand Jury Report5/19/2020Backup MaterialElectric_Vehicles_Are_Here-Is_Orange_County_All_Charged_Up.2020.pdf