Item Coversheet

Agenda Item - 3.a.

City of Garden Grove


To:Scott C. Stiles

From:Lisa L. Kim
Dept.:City Manager 

Dept.: Community and Economic Development 

Approval of a Community Workforce Agreement with Los Angeles and Orange Counties Building and Construction Trades Council and Signatory Craft Council and Local Unions. (Action Item)



To consider approval of a Community Workforce Agreement between the City of Garden Grove, and the Los Angeles and Orange Counties Building and Construction Trades Council, and the signatory Craft Councils and Local Unions.


A Community Workforce Agreement (“CWA”) is often referred to as a Project Labor Agreement in which the purpose is to promote use of local workforce to complete construction projects and develop a pipeline of construction careers within local communities.  This is achieved through a contract between a public agency and local/regional building trades unions that governs labor practices for certain public works construction projects. Typically, the CWA include provisions that establish specific local hiring goals based on community priorities.  It is recognized that the goals are aspirational and designed to encourage and promote local hiring with private contractors who bid publicly-funded projects.


At the November 12, 2019 City Council meeting, staff presented information related to research conducted on: 1) evaluations of CWAs in Orange County; 2) exploration of possible options for a CWA in Garden Grove; and, 3) initiated discussions with LA/OC Building and Construction Trades Council. Based on the evaluation of existing CWAs in Orange County and California, consideration of a CWA in Garden Grove is achievable.  Subsequently, staff received direction to initiate negotiations with the Los Angeles/Orange Counties Building and Construction Trades Council (LA/OC Building Trades) for a CWA.  The proposed CWA has taken into consideration review of other agencies CWA framework and the negotiated CWA terms for consideration are summarized below.


1.  CWA Duration: five-year (5) term 


2.  Project Application:  

  • Project Work included in this CWA is based on the City’s Capital Improvement Plan for FY 2020-21 through 2024-2025, that may be adjusted annually based on City priorities, funding availability and other considerations.


3. Hiring Targets with 30% of Total Hours Worked from the following:

  • Garden Grove and Orange County
  • Veterans, regardless of residency, primarily through the Helmets to Hardhats Program
  • Graduates of high schools in Garden Grove
  • Disadvantaged individuals including formerly homeless or referrals from non-profits such as Chrysalis Orange County and The Salvation Army


4.    Exclusions:

  • Professional, office and other non-manual employees (except for construction inspectors, field/soils and materials testers, and field surveyors).
  • Equipment and machinery operated by City
  • Offsite manufacture and handling of materials
  • Work performed by City employees or by other governmental agencies
  • Work with funding or grant restrictions


The implementation of the CWA will likely require additional resources related to monitoring responsibilities, addressing inquiries, reviewing data and preparing reports on the CWA along with facilitating relations and communications with the LA/OC Trades. Staff will further evaluate options for consideration of future resources and/or explore retention of a third-party consultant firm to assist with administration of the CWA.


Attached is a CWA in Garden Grove that will promote a Local Hiring Initiative, focused on Public Works publically-bid construction projects with emphasis towards: hiring priorities for Garden Grove residents, veterans, disadvantaged individuals; establishing an apprenticeship and/or outreach program with local high schools and community colleges in the City of Garden Grove.


The CWA will require additional costs for monitoring and administration. Those costs would be built into each related project. 

 It is recommended that the City Council consider the following:  


  • Approval of the CWA with the LA/OC Building and Construction Trades Council; and,


  • Authorize the City Manager to execute the CWA on behalf of the City, and take any and all actions as necessary or advisable to implement and administer the CWA.




By:  Lisa L. Kim, Assistant City Manager

Community and Economic Development Director; and


Copy:  William E. Murray, Public Works Director


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Capital Improvement Projects5/6/2020Backup Material5-12-20_Appendix_A_Garden_Grove_Captial_Improvement_Projects_FY_20-25.pdf