Item Coversheet

Agenda Item - 4.f.

City of Garden Grove


To:Scott C. Styles

From:Tom DaRé
Dept.:City Manager 

Dept.: Police 

Award of contracts to Action Southland Towing and B&D Towing to provide on-call towing service. (Action Item)



For the City Council to award contracts to Action Southland Towing and B&D Towing for on-call towing services for the Police Department.


The current contracts for on-call towing services will expire effective February 29, 2020.  A Request for Proposals (RFP) for tow services was issued on October 30, 2019.  The pre-proposal meeting was held on November 13, 2019, with fifteen (15) tow companies in attendance.  The due date for the completed proposals was December 2, 2019.  Staff received seven (7) completed proposals. 


The proposals submitted were reviewed by a committee comprised of members of the Traffic Unit of the Police Department.  The criteria included compliance with the terms required in the RFP on a pass/fail basis, with three of the seven tow companies passing the initial screening process.


In January of 2020, members of the committee conducted inspections of the three remaining companies’ tow yards.  At that time, each company was rated based upon the tow yard inspection form that had been disclosed in the RFP with each company rated on a pass/fail system as outlined.  The yard inspections were critical as specific security measures listed in the RFP were required, and failure to meet the security measures would result in disqualification. 


After conducting the yard inspection, two remaining companies listed below are considered to have passed the RFP scoring process:


  • Action Southland Towing
  • B & D Towing



There is no impact to the general fund.


It is recommended that the City Council:


  • Award contracts to Action Southland Towing and B&D Towing, for a term of five years commencing March 1, 2020, to provide on-call rotational towing services for the Police Department; and


  •  Authorize the City Manager to sign the agreements on behalf of the City.



By:  Lt. Patrick Gildea

DescriptionUpload DateTypeFile Name
B&D Towing2/19/2020AgreementB_D_Towing__Inc._agreement.pdf
Action Southland2/19/2020AgreementAction_Southland_agreement.pdf