Item Coversheet

Agenda Item - 4.c.

City of Garden Grove


To:Scott C. Stiles

From:Anand Rao
Dept.:City Manager 

Dept.: Information Technology 

Authorize the issuance of a purchase order to Southern Computer Warehouse for two Exagrid storage devices, including three years support. (Cost:  $127,513.06) (Action Item)



To secure City Council authorization to purchase two (2) Exagrid storage devices including three years support in the amount of $127,513.06, from Southern Computer Warehouse, pursuant to IFB No. S-1263.


Based on Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery Best Practices the City backs up and stores data locally and offsite.  Up-to-date storage technology with sufficient capacity is vital to recovery of critical systems and core business functions in the event of an unplanned incident.  Implementation of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) will dramatically increase the City’s data storage needs.  On September 11, 2018, City Council approved an estimated $574,000 budget for the acquisition of ERP hardware / software and related licenses.  Based on this approval a formal bid process to acquire additional storage was completed.


Three (3) bids were received and opened on January 21, 2020.  All bids were found to be responsive.  Bid results were as follows:


Bidders for IFB No. S-1263 Exagrid Storage



Southern Computer Warehouse

Marietta, GA


Thomas Gallaway Corp. DBA Technologent

Irvine, CA


Nth Generation Computing, Inc.

San Diego, CA



The ERP Capital Fund will absorb the financial impact of the purchase not to exceed $127,513.06.


It is recommended that the City Council:


  • Authorize the Finance Director to issue a purchase order to Southern Computer Warehouse, in the firm fixed amount of $127,513.06, for two (2) Exagrid Storage Devices, including three years support.



By:  Verna Espinoza

       Department Secretary