Item Coversheet

Agenda Item - 3.b.

City of Garden Grove


To:Scott C. Stiles

From:Anand Rao
Dept.:City Manager 

Dept.: Information Technology 

Award a contract to Spectrum for Internet service. (Cost $59,754) (Action Item)



Secure City Council authorization to award a three year contract, with optional renewal for two additional years, to Spectrum; including all labor, material and equipment for Internet service, pursuant to RFP S-1258.


Continuous Internet service is Critical to the City.  Based on Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery (DR) Best Practices, the City currently has 1 Gigabit per second (Gbps) and 100 Megabit per second (Mbps) Internet connections with two different Internet Service Providers (ISPs).  Both of these agreements are nearing the end of their terms.  The City’s Internet usage continues to grow and it has become necessary to increase bandwidth and resiliency of Internet access.  IT staff determined that two 1 Gbps Internet connections will best support and improve the performance of an increasing number of internal and external systems that use Internet access.  This includes but is not limited to the City’s Wi-Fi, Telephones, Email, Backup, Website, Public Safety and anticipated ERP functionality. 


On September 20, 2019, the City issued RFP S-1258 for one or more ISPs to provide 1 Gbps high quality, state of the art Internet Service for the City.  A Selection Committee with three members was formed to evaluate the RFP responses based on Qualifications and Experience, Project Plan/Responsiveness to RFP Requirements and Pricing.  Final Scores are as follows: 


RFP No. S-1258 Internet Service Providers



Charter / Spectrum


Fiber Internet Center LLC


Granite Communications LLC



The Selection Committee determined that the City’s current 1 Gbps ISP, Spectrum, a subsidiary of Charter Communications, LLC, was the only vendor that met all of the RFP requirements, including competitive pricing within the City’s budget.   IT staff is in process of securing the second 1 Gbps Internet connection, to replace the 100 Mbps service, with a contracted Calnet ISP.


The total cost of the three year agreement proposed by Spectrum would be $59,754, and is budgeted within the Information Technology Department’s contractual services funds.


It is recommended that the City Council:


  • Award the proposed three year agreement, to provide all labor, material and equipment for Internet service to Spectrum; and
  • Authorize the City Manager or his designee to execute the contract and the option to renew annually for up to two additional years.



By:  Verna Espinoza

       Department Secretary


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Spectrum Service Order No. 1150127712/18/2019AgreementCharter_Spectrum_Contract_1Gbps_RFP_No._S-1258.pdf