Item Coversheet

Agenda Item - 2.g.

City of Garden Grove


To:Scott C. Stiles

From:William E. Murray
Dept.:City Manager 

Dept.: Public Works 

Approval of Amendment No. 2 to an agreement with Kleinfelder for professional engineering services for the repair and rehabilitation of four (4) fully buried reservoirs. (Cost: $146,130) (Action Item)



To obtain City Council approval of Amendment No. 2 to an agreement with Kleinfelder, to provide professional engineering services for the repair and rehabilitation of four (4) fully buried reservoirs.


The City’s Water Services Division contracted with Kleinfelder for the design of repair and rehabilitation of fully buried reservoirs. Due to the limited funds available at that time, the agreement only included construction engineering support for one of the reservoir sites.  Kleinfelder had completed the design work on the West Haven Reservoirs Rehabilitation Project and the Magnolia Reservoir and Booster Station Rehabilitation Project in 2015 and 2017, respectively.  Due to funding issues, the construction of these projects were put on hold.

 As adequate funds became available after the 2017 water rate increase, a contract was awarded to Pacific Hydrotech on November 13, 2018, for the construction of West Haven Reservoirs Rehabilitation Project.  As the construction of West Haven Reservoirs is now near completion, the included construction engineering support budget has been depleted. Therefore, an amendment to the contract with Kleinfelder is required, to include the appropriate construction engineering support budget for the remaining Magnolia Reservoir and Booster Pump Station Rehabilitation Project.


The Magnolia Reservoir and Booster Pump Station Rehabilitation Project is scheduled to be advertised for construction bids within 3 months. The required construction engineering support includes the review of approximately 70 submittals and any request for information (RFI) during construction.  In addition, due to the recent homeless situation at the site, the booster station needs to be isolated from public access. This requires installation of a perimeter fence around the booster station and the relocation of a small parking lot near the site.  Additional engineering services are required to provide the design of the perimeter fencing and the parking lot for the project prior to the advertisement of construction bids.


The existing agreement does not have enough funds to cover the added scope of work. An amendment to the existing agreement is required to include the extra work and associated costs, from $582,218 to $728,348, a $146,130 increase.  The amendment will ensure Kleinfelder can provide all the services required for the completion of these two projects.


There is no impact to the General Fund. This cost will be financed with Water Funds, in the amount of $146,130.  


It is recommended that the City Council:


  • Approve Amendment No. 2 to the existing agreement with Kleinfelder for professional engineering services in the amount of $146,130; and


  •  Authorize the City Manager to execute Amendment No. 2 to the agreement on behalf of the City, and make minor modifications as appropriate thereto.



By:  Rebecca Li, Sr. Civil Engineer

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