Item Coversheet

Agenda Item - 5.b.

City of Garden Grove


To:Scott C. Stiles

From:Omar Sandoval
Dept.:City Manager 

Dept.: City Attorney 
Subject:Adoption of Resolution of Intention to vacate the southern portion of Brady Way, Garden Grove, and setting the time and place for a public hearing. (Action Item)Date:8/27/2019


To request that the City Council adopt a Resolution declaring its intention to vacate the southern portion of Brady Way and to set a date for a public hearing to vacate the portion of the street in accordance with Division 9, Part 3, Chapter 3 of the California Streets and Highways Code (§§ 8320-8325).

The City owns Brady Way south of Stanford Avenue in fee (the City has complete property ownership of the street). Brady Way was formerly part of Knott Street and is now a cul-de-sac created after CalTrans relocated Knott Street when it widened the 22 Freeway in 1966. Brady Way terminates at the 22 Freeway and is only used for street parking and access to the industrial/commercial properties located at 12777 Knott Street (Garden Room Wedding Chapel) and 12821 Knott Street (former Next Level Sports Complex).

The new owner of the former Next Level Sports Complex wishes to expand the industrial/commercial facilities and has inquired about terminating Brady Way parallel to its northern property line and acquiring that southern portion of Brady Way to facilitate expanded access and parking to support the expansion project.  The portion of the street to be vacated is described in the attachments to the attached resolution.

Streets & Highways Code 8312 authorizes the City Council to vacate all or a portion of a street within the City pursuant to Division 9, Part 3, Chapter 3 of the California Streets and Highways Code (§§ 8320-8325).  Said Chapter 3 authorizes the City Council to initiate proceedings to vacate the public street when it is no longer necessary for current or prospective public street purposes.  Prior to adopting a resolution vacating the street, the City Council is required to set a public hearing and provide at least 15 days notice.  The attached resolution sets the public hearing for the Council's second meeting in September, on September 24, 2019.  The City Clerk will publish notice of the pubic hearing in a newspaper of general publication in the City and the notice will be posted at three locations within the portion of the street to be vacated.


Once the portion of the street is vacated, Street and Highways Code 8356 authorizes the City to sell and convey the property to the owner of the adjacent property in cases such as this one where the street being vacated was previously part of a street that has been relocated (again, this portion of Brady Way was formerly part of Knott Street).  The City is currently in negotiations with the owner of 12821 Knott Street for disposition of the vacated portion of Brady Way to add that portion of the street to their property.


As to utilities currently existing in the portion of the street to be vacated, Street and Highways Code 8340 provides that the City must reserve easements so that the utilities can continue to maintain their facilities in the vacated street.  The resolution vacating the street will reserve easements to allow the utilities to continue to maintain their facilities on the portion of the street to be vacated.


Because the vacated portion of the street will continue to maintain various underground public utility easements (currently gas, storm drain, water, oil pipeline) which will limit its use to parking lot and vehicle access to the property, no major changes to its current use are foreseen or possible without the extreme expense of relocating the underground utilities. Consequently, the vacation and subsequent disposition of the subject portion of the street is exempt from CEQA under the Class 4 categorical exemption, minor alteration to land, per section 15304 of the CEQA Guidelines.


Other than the cost of publication and posting of the public hearing notice, this action will not have an impact to the general fund.  Disposition of the vacated portion of the street to the adjacent property owner will generate income to the City in an amount under negotiation.

It is recommended that the City Council:


  • Adopt the Resolution declaring the intention to vacate and abandon the southern portion of Brady Way south of Stanford Avenue, and setting a public hearing thereon.

DescriptionUpload DateTypeFile Name
Resolution of Intention to Vacate8/19/2019ResolutionResolution_of_Intention_to_Vacate_Southern_Portion_of_Brady_Way.docx
Exhibit A-Legal Description of Vacation8/19/2019Backup MaterialVacation_Exhibit_A-Legal_Description-sheet_1.PDF
Exhibit B-Graphic Depiction of Vacation8/19/2019Backup MaterialVacation_Exhibit_B-Graphic_Depiction-sheet_2.PDF