Item Coversheet

Agenda Item - 3.d.

City of Garden Grove


To:Scott C. Stiles

From:Lisa L. Kim
Dept.:City Manager 

Dept.: Economic Development 

Approval of Caltrans BikeSafe Garden Grove Active Transportation Grant Program, and appropriation of funds awarded for operational tasks and equipment in Fiscal Year 2018-19. (Grant Amount: $73,880) (Action Item)



For the City Council to approve the Caltrans “BikeSafe Garden Grove” Active Transportation Grant Program, and to approve the appropriation of grant funds in Fiscal Year 2018-19 for operational and equipment expenses in Year 1.


In May 2015, the City applied for a Caltrans ATP Cycle 2 Grant to expand the bicycle and pedestrian trail on the Pacific Electric railroad Right-of-Way (PE-ROW) from Stanford Avenue to Brookhurst Street.  The City received the ATP Grant award in 2016 in the amount of $1.8 million for the Environmental, Design, Construction and Education Activities and Outreach programming for what we all know as the “First Mile” grant project and program.  The grant is divided into two categories: (1) Infrastructure Project and (2) Non-Infrastructure Program. 


Currently, the Engineering Division has completed the Environmental Review and the Engineering Design portion of the “First Mile” project.  The completion of the Environmental Review has permitted the commencement of the Educational Activities and Outreach programming portion, which was named “BikeSafe Garden Grove”.  The total amount awarded to the City for category 2. Non-Infrastructure Program is $73,880, of which grant funds will be expended for program development and equipment over a three (3) year period.


The awarded funds will focus on implementation of bicycle, pedestrian education and encouragement activities at various schools located in low-income neighborhoods and other City-wide community events.  The program will be administered by various City Departments including: Police Department, Community Services Department, Community and Economic Development Department in collaboration with external partners comprising of the Boys and Girls Club, the Orange County Health Care Agency, and the Garden Grove Unified School District. 



The task and budget summary is as follows:


The ATP grant program does not require a match from the City.  The expected yearly cost includes staff and/or contractual costs, operating expenses, equipment, and administrative costs.  There is no impact to the City’s General Fund.



It is recommended that the City Council:


  • Accept the Caltrans ATP Cycle 2 for the Non-Infrastructure Program grant funds in the total amount of $73,880 to be expended over three (3) years;


  • Authorize participation in the Caltrans “BikeSafe Garden Grove Program”; and


  • Approve appropriation of funds in the amount of $73,880 for FY 2018-19



By:    Alana Cheng        

         Senior Administrative Analyst


DescriptionUpload DateTypeFile Name
Exhibit 22-R ATP Form for Non-Infrastructure Project Work Plan3/4/2019Cover MemoExhibit_22R_ATP_Non_Infrastructure_Project_Work_Plan.pdf