Item Coversheet

Agenda Item - 4.e.

City of Garden Grove


To:Scott C. Stiles

From:Kingsley Okereke
Dept.:City Manager 

Dept.: Finance 

Adoption of a Resolution approving an updated relocation plan for Site "C" located at the northwest corner of Twintree Lane and Harbor Boulevard, Garden Grove. (Cost: $64,176) (Action Item)



It is requested that the City Council adopt the attached Resolution (Attachment 1) approving and implementing an updated relocation plan (“Relocation Plan”) for the displacement of eligible households as part of the Site “C” Project located at the northeast corner of Harbor Boulevard and Twintree Lane.


The California Relocation Assistance Law, Government Code Section 7260, et seq., and the implementing regulations thereto in Title 25 Cal Code of Regulations Section 6000, et seq. are the state laws that govern relocation assistance and benefits (together, “Relocation Law”). The Relocation Law requires preparation, public availability, and action by the legislative body on relocation if displacement might occur. The term “displacement” means when a person or business is caused to move from real property as a direct result of the implementation of a public program or project. The City Council as the legislative body is vested with the authority to review and take action on relocation plans.


On June 14, 2011, the Garden Grove Agency for Community Development (“Former Agency”) approved a Disposition and Development Agreement (“DDA”) with Land and Design Inc., ("Developer") for the conveyance of Former Agency property and development of an upscale hotel and related amenties at the northwest corner of Harbor Boulevard and Twintree Lane (“Project Site”). The DDA was deemed not an enforceable obligation by the State Department of Finance ("DOF") pursuant to ABX-126 and AB 1484. The parcels owned by the Former Agency were transferred to the City pursuant to the Long Range Property Management Plan and compensation agreements with the taxing entities.


On April 9, 2013, the City and the Developer negotiated the terms of a separate hotel development agreement entitled, “Grove District Resort Hotel Development Agreement” (“Resort Agreement”) for the proposed development of Site “C”, which consists of the construction of an upscale select service hotel with a maximum of 700 rooms, 50,000 square feet of meeting/conference space, 15,000 square feet of restaurant space, a parking structure, a resort pool, and potentially up to two additional limited service hotels (collectively, “Proposed Project”).


Implementation of the Proposed Project under the Resort Agreement would lead to the displacement of two (2) residential households; thus, the City is obligated to prepare a Relocation Plan (Attachment 2) pursuant to Relocation Law. The Relocation Plan has been prepared based upon personal interviews with the residential households that were conducted by the City’s relocation consultant, Overland, Pacific & Cutler, Inc., (“OPC”). The Relocation Plan includes a description of re-housing needs of the households that will be displaced, evaluation of comparable replacement housing resources, and assessment of last resort housing resources. When and if actual displacement occurs, if at all, such will occur only upon and based on notices to vacate of not less than 90 days as issued by the City. Then eligible displaced households and businesses will receive relocation assistance and benefits as required by and pursuant to the Relocation Law and the following will occur;


  1. Full and comprehensible relocation advisory assistance will be provided to eligible residential households that may be displaced both in person orally and in writing; and in language(s) most easily understood by the displacee;

  2. Eligible persons will be adequately informed of the relocation assistance, benefits, policies, practices and procedures, including grievance procedures, available to them;

  3. Fair and reasonable relocation payments will be provided to eligible persons;

  4. Eligible persons will be provided the services offered in the City’s relocation assistance program; and

  5. Orderly, timely, and efficient relocation to comparable replacement housing will be made available to eligible persons without regard to race, color, religion, sex, marital status, or national origin with minimum hardship to those affected.

The total cost to relocate the households is estimated to be $64,176.00, which includes estimated moving costs, purchase price differentials, and rental assistance payments. The estimate does not account for households that could be eligible for Section 8 rental assistance, which could reduce relocation expenditures.


Citizen participation and making the Relocation Plan available for public review has occurred for a period of thirty (30) days. General notice of the availability of the Relocation Plan for public review and comment has been provided to the two (2) residential households and was posted on the City’s Economic Development Division webpage. Copies of the Relocation Plan were made available at the City Clerk’s office and Garden Grove Regional Library. The two (2) residential households were informed that the Relocation Plan would be made available in a language other than English if necessary and requested.


The estimated relocation expenditures are estimated to be $64,176.00, payable through Economic Development Fund/Package (106/8850).


Staff recommends that the City Council:

  • Adopt the attached Resolution approving the Relocation Plan for Site “C” that authorizes the City Manager and his designee to implement the Relocation, including the payment of relocation claims.


By:  Carlos Marquez, Senior Real Property Agent

DescriptionUpload DateTypeFile Name
Resolution3/2/2016Cover MemoResolution_approving_relocation_plan_for_Site_C.03.08.2016.doc
Amended Relocation Plan2/23/2016ResolutionGGR-037_-_Site_C_Amended_Relo_Plan_-_final_rev_2-23-16-1.pdf