Item Coversheet

Agenda Item - 5.a.

City of Garden Grove


To:Scott C. Stiles

From:Lisa L. Kim
Dept.:City Manager 

Dept.: Economic Development 

To transmit the 2018 Economic Development Strategic Plan (EDSP) at the request of the City Council.



To transmit the 2018 Economic Development Strategic Plan (EDSP) to the Garden Grove City Council and update the City Council on the new EDSP.

The City Council has requested a citywide economic development study as part of the City priorities for 2018-2019 City Council Action Plan. The prior EDSP was prepared in 2014 and needed to be updated (see Attached 2014 EDSP. Staff retained the services of Kimley Horn to assist the City with the preparation of the Economic Development Strategic Plan.  Kimley-Horn conducted a technical review of the City’s (2014) Economic Development Strategic Plan and provided additional analysis and recommendations to ensure the Strategic Plan is reflective of current and projected future conditions, and to incorporate a unified Community Development Department strategy.

The new City of Garden Grove 2018 Economic Development Strategic Plan (“EDSP”) is a baseline assessment of existing conditions that drive economic investment and outline strategic recommendations to address the community’s economic issues and opportunities.  Through implementation of the 2014 Economic Development Strategic Plan, the City of Garden Grove has achieved a tremendous track record of success in the areas of hospitality and tourism development and Re:Imagine Initiatives, resulting in new job creation and new City revenue. Going forward, the purpose of 2018 EDSP is to serve as a guide to sustain ongoing efforts for economic development activities and policies, which will result in job creation and new revenue generation for the City.


The attached Economic Development Strategic Plan EDSP provides an assessment of the existing conditions that drive the economy in Garden Grove and is intended to help the City implement strategies that will contribute to the City’s future economic health.


The consultant conducted working sessions with internal City departments, and engaged local neighborhood meetings with chambers of commerce, the Downtown Business Association, neighborhood groups, and elected officials to develop the framework presented in this EDSP.

The EDSP identifies six (6) economic development goals to be addressed over the next three (3) years. These strategic recommendations will enhance Garden Grove’s business climate, which will ensure the fiscal health of the City and support economic growth in a manner consistent with the City’s character. The following are the major goals of the 2018 EDSP:


GOAL 1: Enhancement of Job Opportunities


GOAL 2: Leverage Creative Funding and Financing Tools


GOAL 3: Expand and Preserve Locally-Generated Tax Revenue


GOAL 4: Promote tourism development initiatives and provide direct support for the development of the Grove District-Anaheim Resort


GOAL 5: Community-Based Economic Development


GOAL 6: Housing Opportunity and Investment


The EDSP identifies strategic actions for each goal in the plan.  The plan also includes a summary action plan matrix that identifies each respective division within the Community and Economic Development Department tasked with implementation of each strategic action. (See attached 2018 Economic Development Strategic Plan.)


The 2018 EDSP identifies economic development goals and strategies to sustain, long-term economic growth for the City.

The Economic Development Strategic Plan was identified as a City Council priority for 2018-19, and is provided for information.

DescriptionUpload DateTypeFile Name
2018 EDSP10/17/2018Backup MaterialStrategic_Plan_2018.pdf
2014 EDSP10/17/2018Backup Materialeconomic-development-strategic-plan-2014.pdf