Item Coversheet

Agenda Item - 5.a.

City of Garden Grove


To:Scott C. Stiles

From:Teresa Pomeroy
Dept.:City Manager 

Dept.: City Clerk 
Subject:Appointment to the Downtown Commission. (Action Item)Date:9/11/2018


For the Mayor to appoint and the City Council to approve a Downtown Commissioner.

A vacancy notice for the Downtown Commission was published following the resignation of Andrew Halberstadt, a tenant representative, from the former Main Street Commission, renamed the Downtown Commission.  The City Clerk's Office has since received applications from the following people who are owners and/or tenants within Main Street Assessment District No. 1:  James Schierberl, John Wietor, and Angel Zaragoza.


Pursuant to Municipal Code Section 2.32.020, the Downtown Commission shall consist of seven members.  The membership shall consist of at least six property owner(s) and/or tenant(s) of business(es) within the Main Street Assessment District No. 1.  One member may be a member-at-large.

There is no financial impact with this action.

Pursuant to Municipal Code Section 2.32.030 and Government Code Section 40605, members of the Downtown Commission shall be appointed by the Mayor, subject to approval by the City Council.