Item Coversheet

Agenda Item - 3.c.

City of Garden Grove


To:Scott C. Stiles

From:Kingsley Okereke
Dept.:City Manager 

Dept.: Finance 

Adoption of a Resolution reappointing a City Treasurer and appointing an Interim Deputy City Treasurer. (Action Item)



The City of Garden Grove City Council is requested to adopt the attached Resolution re-appointing Laura J. Stover, Human Resources Director, as City Treasurer and, appointing Scott C. Stiles, City Manager, as Interim Deputy City Treasurer.


Many of the duties of the City Treasurer are in fact performed under the jurisdiction of the City’s Finance Department, with the City Treasurer primarily responsible for the co-signing of checks and warrants, as well as the reconciliation of the bank statements.  It is prudent that the City continues to maintain a separate treasurer function that provides a proper financial check and balance system.


The current Deputy City Treasurer, Kingsley Okereke, is retiring as of September 27, 2018, making it necessary to appoint a new Deputy City Treasurer. The recruitment and placement of a new Finance Director will take some time. Hence in the interim, it is recommended that City Manager Scott C. Stiles be appointed as the interim Deputy City Treasurer pending the appointment of a new Finance Director.



It is recommended that the City Council:


  • Adopt the Resolution re-appointing Laura J. Stover, Human Resources Director, as City Treasurer, and appointing Scott C. Stiles, City Manager, as Interim Deputy City Treasurer.

DescriptionUpload DateTypeFile Name
CC Resolution appointing Treasurer and Interim Deputy Treasurer9/6/2018Resolution9-11-18__CC_2018_Reso_Treasurer__Stover__Deputy_Okereke.docx