Item Coversheet

Agenda Item - 4.f.

City of Garden Grove


To:Scott C. Stiles

From:John Montanchez
Dept.:City Manager 

Dept.: Community Services 

Award a contract to Richard Fisher Associates for the preparation of a Parks, Recreation and Facilities Master Plan.  (Cost: $159,641) (Action Item)



To request that the City Council award a contract to Richard Fisher Associates to prepare a Parks, Recreation and Facilities Master Plan, which will also include recommendations for ADA improvements to existing parks and facilities, and the preparation of three (3) conceptual designs with one preferred conceptual of Civic Center Park.


On October 6, 2017, a Request for Proposal (RFP) No. S-1210-A was released to vendors that would be interested in providing a Parks, Recreation and Facilities Master Plan for the City of Garden Grove. There were four qualified proposals received November 8, 2017. The Source Selection Committee (SSC) comprised of City staff ranked each proposal submitted with the higher number being the higher ranking.  The list below indicates the name of the company and scores assigned by the SSC.


The following are the four qualified vendors in alpha order and their proposal rating:


Integrated Consulting Group - 2352

KTU&A - 3048

Richard Fisher Associates - 3700

RJM Design Group - 2964


Based upon the scores of the proposals evaluated and interviews conducted, the SSC has identified Richard Fisher Associates as the most qualified company to prepare the Parks, Recreation and Facilities Master Plan for the City of Garden Grove. Staff is requesting City Council approval to award a contract to Richard Fisher Associates for the preparation of a 15-year Parks, Recreation and Facilities Master Plan. The Master Plan will set the framework for decision makers in the planning, maintenance, and development and/or rehabilitation of Garden Grove parks and recreation facilities. The Master Plan will also include recommendations for ADA improvements to existing parks and facilities, and the preparation of three (3) conceptual design plans with one preferred conceptual of Civic Center Park. Recent developments within the Downtown, including Steel Craft, Cottage Industries, new restaurants and shops on Historic Main Street, and new programming at the Amphitheater, present an opportunity to re-examine Civic Center Park and the use of the open space within the Downtown/Civic Center area. 


The total cost for the preparation of the Parks, Recreation and Facilities Master Plan including recommendations for ADA improvements to existing parks and facilities, and the preparation of three (3) conceptual designs with one preferred conceptual of Civic Center Park will be $159,641. Funding for this contract will be split between the General Fund and the Park Fee Fund. There is a total amount of $59,641 budgeted in the General Fund and $100,000 in the Park Fee Fund.


It is recommended that the City Council:


  •  Award a contract to Richard Fisher Associates for the preparation of the Parks, Recreation and Facilities Master Plan including recommendations for ADA improvements to existing parks and facilities, and the preparation of three (3) conceptual designs with one preferred conceptual of Civic Center Park, in the amount not to exceed $159,641; and


  • Authorize the City Manager, or his designee, to sign the Agreement on behalf of the City, including making minor modifications as appropriate and necessary.




By:  Janet Pelayo, Community Services Manager



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