Item Coversheet

Agenda Item - 5.a.

City of Garden Grove


To:Scott C. Stiles

From:William E. Murray
Dept.:City Manager 

Dept.: Public Works 

Introduction and first reading of an Ordinance enacting adjustments in water rates and charges and authorizing future automatic adjustments in water rates to account for adopted increases or decreases in wholesale charges the City pays to other agencies for water



For City Council to hold a Public Hearing and introduce for first reading and adoption the attached Ordinance authorizing adjustments in water rates and charges and authorizing future automatic adjustments in water rates to account for adopted increases or decreases in wholesale charges the City pays to other agencies for water.


In October 2016, the City Council approved the hiring of a consulting firm, FG Solutions, to develop a five-year water financial plan to study the Water Enterprise’s financial condition and make recommendations for maintaining the financial stability to the Water Enterprise Fund. The study and analysis shows that expenditures are projected to significantly exceed revenues. This will result in the City spending reserves to pay for capital replacement and improvement projects. Without the proposed adjustments in water rates and charges, available reserves will be depleted in one to two years.


The current financial condition has caused the Water Enterprise to postpone and delay needed capital replacements and improvement projects. Revenue increases are also necessary to ensure that the Water Enterprise meets its bond covenants. The study concludes that to properly maintain the system’s aging infrastructure, and enable the Water Enterprise Fund to reach financial stability, rate adjustments are necessary.


The Water Rate Study has identified the overall revenue needs for minimal financing of the operations, capital improvements and debt obligations for the Water Enterprise through:


  1.  Evaluating existing policies and procedures affecting water rates.
  2.  Evaluating adequacy of projected revenues under existing rates to meet projected revenue requirements.
  3.  Developing a sound financial plan for covering a five-year study for ongoing operations, planned capital improvements and complying with federal and state mandates. Developing a suitable schedule of water rates that produce revenues adequate to meet financial needs and business principles adopted by the City Council.


The study concludes that additional funds are needed to meet the financial, regulatory, operational, public health and safety, and moral obligations entrusted to the City by the community. Upon the last year of the five-year implementation period, the proposed rate adjustment will amend the service charge for 5/8 x 3/4 meters (typical residential meter size) from $12.74 to $33.85 per month, the capital improvements charge from $1.47 to $7.00, and a usage charge of $3.07 to $2.86 per unit of water use per month up to a maximum use of 33 units. This would result in the water portion of the bill increasing from $106.31 to $126.65 for the average residential customer (30 units) per bi-monthly bill over the course of five years. Private fire service rates will also be adjusted for all meter sizes from 1.5” to 10”.  These proposed rates will replace the existing private fire service rates and are shown on the attached draft ordinance.


The City is proposing the adoption of automatic annual adjustments to the first three water rate components (1. Minimum charge based on meter, 2. Capital improvement charge, and 3. Commodity charge) and the fire service rate over a five-year period. The City is also proposing to re-adopt the automatic adjustments to the commodity delivery charge for water usage that pass through future increases or decreases in wholesale water charges for a five-year period. Furthermore, residential customers with 5/8” x 3/4” meters who use six units or less of water in a billing period currently pay only the minimum charge. Under the proposed adjustments, low water users will pay the minimum charge and capital improvement charge.


These water rate components would be adjusted after the next regularly scheduled meter reading, following the date on which the City’s Ordinance establishing the rates becomes effective. Subsequent rate increases will become effective on January 1 of each year, commencing January 1, 2019, without further action by the City Council. However, a 30-day notice will be provided to each customer prior to each increase.  The proposed rates are contained in the attached Ordinance.


The total fee charged is calculated based upon the funds required by the City to maintain and operate the City’s water system, repay bond indebtedness, and to comply with new and existing regulations imposed by state and federal agencies. 


The basic procedure for increasing water rates is as follows:


a)  A Public Hearing is held on the matter. Notice of Public Hearing on the water rate increase was given 45 days in advance of the Public Hearing to the record owners of each identified piece of real property within the Water Enterprise pursuant to Proposition 218;


b)  Property owners within the Water Enterprise boundaries have the right to file a written protest against the increase; and


c)  If more than a simple majority of the total number of property owners file protests against the water rate increase, then the increase may not be instituted (the total number of parcels is 34,317).


The proposed authorization for future water rate adjustments will allow the Water Enterprise to continue to meet its financial obligations and to carry out its capital improvement and replacement programs. 


It is recommended that the City Council:


  • Conduct a Public Hearing to hear testimony and to receive written protests from property owners regarding the proposed authorization for future adjustments to water rates and charges.


  •  In the absence of a majority protest, introduce and pass to second reading the attached Ordinance implementing future adjustments and making corresponding organizational and clarifying changes to Garden Grove Municipal Code Section 14.12.010 and 14.12.030.



By:     Katie Victoria

          Sr. Administrative Analyst

DescriptionUpload DateTypeFile Name
Water Rate Ordinance3/6/2018Ordinance3-13-2018_Water_Rate_Adjustment_Ordinance_(1).pdf
Water Rate Study3/9/2018Backup MaterialDOC-20180309-11_15_04.pdf