Item Coversheet

Agenda Item - 4.d.

City of Garden Grove


To:Scott C. Stiles

From:Kingsley Okereke
Dept.:City Manager 

Dept.: Finance 

Approval of voiding unclaimed checks pursuant to Government Code Section 50055 for amounts under $15.00 or when depositors are unknown. (Action Item)



For City Council to approve voiding outstanding payments under fifteen dollars ($15.00) that have remained unclaimed over one year from the date of issuance, and to void any outstanding payments which remain unclaimed over one year from date of issuance where the depositor is unknown.


Pursuant to Government Code Section 50055, after one year, any unclaimed checks of less than fifteen dollars ($15.00) or any unclaimed checks where the depositor is unknown, which remain uncashed, may be transferred to the general fund or to the respective funds from which they were paid with the approval of the City Council without posting and publishing a public notice.


In a review of the current outstanding checks and unclaimed property listings, the Finance Department's Accounting Division has identified unclaimed checks of less than fifteen dollars ($15.00) and unclaimed checks where the depositor is unknown, which remain uncashed. With City Council approval to void these unclaimed checks would effectively transfer unclaimed monies to the respective funds from which they were issued consistent with Government Code Section 50055.

Attached is a list of the unclaimed checks in amounts less than fifteen dollars ($15.00) each that remain uncashed after one year, which total $1,478.45.  Also, attached is a list of unclaimed checks, where the depositor is unknown, that have remained uncashed after one year, which total $1,252.97.


The transfer of these unclaimed monies will result in $2,731.42 of available funds for the City’s use.

It is recommended that the City Council:


  • Approve voiding the unclaimed checks of less than fifteen dollars, which remain uncashed after one year; 


  • Approve voiding the unclaimed checks where the depositor is unknown, which remain uncashed after one year; and


  • Authorize the Finance Director to transfer the resulting funds to the general fund or other funds as appropriate.



By:  Ellis Chang, Accounting Manager

DescriptionUpload DateTypeFile Name
ATTACHMENT 1 : Unclaimed Checks Of Less Than Fifteen Dollars2/14/2018Backup MaterialATTACHMENT_1_-_Unclaimed_Checks_of_Less_Than_Fifteen_Dollars.pdf
ATTACHMENT 2: Unclaimed Checks Where Depositor Is Unknown2/14/2018Backup MaterialATTACHMENT_2_-_Unclaimed_Checks_Where_Depositor_Is_Unknown.pdf