Item Coversheet

Agenda Item - 4.a.

City of Garden Grove


To:Scott C. Stiles, Director

From:Lisa L. Kim

Dept.: Economic Development 
Subject:Adoption of a Resolution to award a contract to J&G Industries Inc., for Project No. S-1232 Brookhurst Triangle Demolition Project - Phase II demolition of structures at 10151 Garden Grove Boulevard, 12863 and 12865 Brookhurst Street, Garden Grove.  (Cost:  $330,100) (Action Item)Date:2/28/2018


The purpose of this report is to request that the Oversight Board of the Successor Agency to the Garden Grove Agency for Community Development (“Oversight Board”) adopt a Resolution to award a contract to J&G Industries, Inc., (“Contractor”) for Project No. S-1232 – Brookhurst Triangle Demolition Project - Phase II (the “Project”).


On November 23, 2010, the Garden Grove Agency for Community Development (“Former Agency”) and New Age Brookhurst, LLC (“Developer”) entered into a Disposition and Development Agreement (“DDA”) establishing the terms and conditions for the development of a mixed-use retail, commercial, and residential development on Successor Agency owned property, commonly referred as the “Brookhurst Triangle,” (the “Site”). The Site is located at 10151 Garden Grove Boulevard, 12863 and 12865 Brookhurst Street, Garden Grove.


The Former Agency has since been dissolved and the Successor Agency is responsible for administering the enforceable obligations of the Former Agency. On May 17, 2013, the State of California Department of Finance (“DOF”), provided written confirmation to the Successor Agency that the DDA is a legally binding and enforceable agreement, and is therefore an enforceable obligation pursuant to Health and Safety Code Section 34171(d)(1)(E). In addition, the DOF confirmed the Successor Agency’s obligation to demolish all above ground and below grade structures on the Site. Furthermore, federal and state environmental regulations require the removal of asbestos containing materials within the structures prior to commencing with demolition activities.


Brookhurst Triangle Project Phase II Demolition was divided into two phases.  The first phase required demolition of approximately 26,500 square feet of a multi-tenant building.  Phase I demolition work was approved by DOF on November 4, 2016 and completed in January 2017. The Successor Agency is now initiating activities for Phase II demolition which is comprised of demolishing approximately 28,700 square feet of improvements.


A Request for Proposals for Project No. S-1232 – Brookhurst Triangle Demolition Project - Phase II was released on December 20, 2017. Nine (9) bids were received and opened by the City Clerk’s Office on January 10, 2018, at 1:30 p.m. for the Project (see attached Bid Summary Sheet). Seven (7) bids met all requirements and were deemed responsive.  The lowest bidder, Integrated Demolition and Remediation, Inc. submitted written notification to the Successor Agency of their desire to withdraw their bid within 5-business days of bid openingdue to a mistake in filling out and calculating the bid, which made their bid substantially different than what they intended it to be.  The next lowest responsive bid was submitted by J&G Industries, Inc., with a total price of $330,100.00. The licenses and references of the Contractor have been reviewed and verified by staff, and all other documents are in order.


There is no impact to the General Fund. The costs for Project will be funded by the 2017-2018 Recognized Obligation Payment Schedule (“ROPS 17-18”) in accordance with the Dissolution Act and will be paid through the Redevelopment Property Tax Trust Fund.


It is recommended that the Oversight Board:


  • Adopt the attached Resolution awarding a contract to J&G Industries, Inc., for Project No. S-1232 - Brookhurst Triangle Demolition Project Phase II in the amount of $330,100, and authorize a 10 percent contingency of $33,010, subject to the discretion of the Director; and


  • Authorize the Director to execute the contract with J&G Industries, Inc., for demolition of structures at 10151 Garden Grove Boulevard, 12863 and 12865 Brookhurst Street, Garden Grove, and make minor modifications on behalf of the Oversight Board.



By:  Monica L. Covarrubias

       Project Manager

DescriptionUpload DateTypeFile Name
Bid Results2/20/2018Backup MaterialBid_Opening_-_Brookhurst_Demo_Phase_II.pdf
OB Resolution 2/21/2018Resolution2-28-18_OB_J_G_Industries_demolition.docx
Agreement2/20/2018Backup MaterialCONSTRUCTION_AGREEMENT_J_G_INDUSTRIES.docx