Item Coversheet

Agenda Item - 5.a.

City of Garden Grove


To:Scott C. Stiles

From:Lisa Kim
Dept.:City Manager 

Dept.: Economic Development 

Adoption of a Resolution stating a grant project title and authorizing the City Manager to execute a Restricted Grant Agreement with the California Department of Transportation for the Garden Grove Active Downtown Plan. (Grant Revenue:  $340,000) (Action Item)



For the City Council to adopt a Resolution stating the grant project title and authorizing the City Manager, or his designee, to execute a Restricted Grant Agreement and any amendments thereto with the California Department of Transportation. 


On September 14, 2017, Caltrans released a call for applications for the Senate Bill 1 funded, Sustainable Communities Grant. The Sustainable Communities Grants fund transportation planning projects that achieve the Caltrans Mission and Grant Program Overarching Objectives, identify and address mobility deficiencies in the multimodal transportation system, encourage stakeholder collaboration, involve public engagement, integrate Smart Mobility 2010 concepts, and ultimately result in programmed system improvements.


Planning staff working with the consultants, Alta Planning, developed a grant application entitled, the Garden Grove Active Downtown Plan. Building on the planned bikeway improvements happening around the downtown, including the PE ROW from Nelson Street to Brookhurst Street, the grant application sought to advance Active Transportation from the hub of Downtown and reach out to residents in nearby neighborhoods. The Garden Grove Active Downtown Plan identified needs and opportunities for mobility strategies to create a vibrant, walkable Downtown that is attractive to businesses and inviting to residents. This will be accomplished utilizing three core themes: 1) An extensive, iterative community outreach process engaging the diverse and disadvantaged communities that may not participate in traditional planning processes. 2) Improving safety and comfort for pedestrians and increasing connectivity along bikeway “spokes” including creating a multi-use path to the OC Streetcar. And lastly, 3) exploring emerging mobility tools for downtown, including micro-transit, bike share, ride sharing, and other innovations.


On December 15, 2017, Caltrans announced the release of the grant awards. Caltrans received a statewide total of 157 Sustainable Communities Competitive and Adaptation Planning grant applications. Of these applications, 64 transportation planning projects were selected for grant awards, totaling $19.38 million. The Garden Grove Active Downtown Plan was awarded $340,000 in grant funding. With the required local match of in-kind staff time, $60,000, the total project amount is $400,000.  The City will enter into a contract with Caltrans for the grant funding with the earliest start time of May 1, 2018.



A condition of grant acceptance, is a local resolution from the City Council of the City of Garden Grove providing the grant project title and the title of the person authorized to enter into a contract with Caltrans. This Resolution must be provided to Caltrans no later than February 22, 2018.



This is no impact to the City's General Fund.

It is recommended that the City Council:


  • Adopt the attached Resolution stating the grant project title and authorizing the City Manager, or his designee, to enter into a Restricted Grant Agreement and any amendments thereto with the California Department of Transportation.



By:  Erin Webb, Sr. Planner

DescriptionUpload DateTypeFile Name
CC Resolution 2/1/2018Resolution2-13-17_AuthorizationResolution.docx
Project Area Map from grant application1/25/2018Exhibit5_GardenGrove_ProjectAreaMap_(1).pdf