Item Coversheet

Agenda Item - 5.b.

City of Garden Grove


To:Scott C. Stiles

From:Lisa L. Kim
Dept.:City Manager 

Dept.: Economic Development 

Adoption of a Resolution approving General Plan Amendment No. GPA-002-2017(A) for properties located at 9741, 9761, 9811, 9823, 9831, 9861, 9921, 9941, 9961, 9971, and 9791 11th Street, 9752, 9762, 9802, 9820, 9822, 9842, 9902, and 9904 13th Street, and 14301 and 14321 Brookhurst Street, Garden Grove.  (Action Item)



The purpose of this report is to transmit a recommendation of the Planning Commission to approve General Plan Amendment No. GPA-002-2017(A) to change the General Plan Land Use designation of approximately 15-acres of land comprised of 14 parcels from Civic/Institutional (CI) to Medium Density Residential (MDR) to correct an inconsistency between the zoning and the General Plan Land Use designations of the parcels.  The subject properties are located on the north side of 11th Street, between Brookhurst Street and Kerry Street, at 9741, 9761, 9811, 9823, 9831, 9861, 9921, 9941, 9961, 9971, and 9791 11th Street, 9752, 9762, 9802, 9820, 9822, 9842, 9902, and 9904 13th Street, and 14301 and 14321 Brookhurst Street.


On November 2, 2017, the Planning Commission recommended approval of General Plan Amendment No. GPA-002-2017(A) to City Council by a 6-0 vote.  No one spoke in favor of or in opposition to the request.


The properties are located in an area improved with single-family and multiple-family developments, a rehabilitation care facility, a convalescent center, and the Islamic Society of Orange County.  The properties abut C-1 (Neighborhood Commercial) zoned properties on the southwest corner of 13th Street and Brookhurst Street, O-S (Open Space) zoned properties to the north, across 13th Street and to the west, across Kerry Street, C-1 zoned properties to the east, across Brookhurst Street, and R-1 (Single-Family Residential) and R-3 zoned properties to the south, across 11th Street.


The subject properties are zoned R-3 (Multiple-Family Residential), with the exception of the Islamic Society of Orange County, which has a Planned Unit Development zoning which retains an R-3 base zone, and have a General Plan Land Use Designation of Civic/Institutional.  The R-3 zoning is not consistent with the Civic/Institutional General Plan designation.   


All properties located within the block have a General Plan Land Use designation of Civic/Institutional, with the exception of two properties on the southwest corner of Brookhurst Street and 13th Street, which have a Land Use designation of Light Commercial.  The Civic/Institutional Land Use designation was added for the first time in the current General Plan 2030, adopted in 2008.  This new land use designation is intended for educational uses, such as, elementary, middle, and high schools, colleges, universities, hospitals, and governmental facilities.  The previous Open Space (OS) Land Use designation combined parks, school uses, golf courses, and other public and private open space land under one designation.  In the current General Plan, the City determined to keep the Open Space designation for recreational areas, such as parks, right-of-ways, flood channels and introduce the Civic/Institutional designation to educational uses and government facilities, such as the Merton E. Hill Elementary School to the west, across Kerry Street.


Planning staff has reviewed the history of the General Plan designations and has determined that the Civic/Institutional Land Use designation on the 14 properties is the result of a mapping error in the current General Plan.  Only the Merton E. Hill Elementary School to the west across Kerry Street should have been included in the Civic/Institutional designation.  Changing the subject properties back to the Medium Density Residential designation will correct the prior mapping error and eliminate the current inconsistency between the General Plan land use and Zoning designations for the properties located in this block.


No new development is being proposed with this request, however, the subject General Plan Amendment is being processed concurrently with proposed General Plan Amendment No.  GPA-002-2017(B) and Site Plan No. SP-038-2017 to also change the General Plan land use designation of the property located at 9841 11th Street and to construct a ten (10) unit residential project. 



  • Conduct a Public Hearing; and


  • Determine that the General Plan Amendment is categorically exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act pursuant to Title 14, California Code of Regulations, Section 15061(b)(3); and


  • Adopt the attached Resolution approving General Plan Amendment No. GPA-002-2017(A).


By: Mary Medrano, Assistant Planner

DescriptionUpload DateTypeFile Name
CC Resolution GPA-002-2017(A)12/7/2017Resolution12-12-17_CC_GPA-002-2017(A)CityCouncilResolution.pdf
Map Exhibit for Draft City Council Resolution for GPA-002-2017(A)11/28/2017ExhibitGPA-002-2017(A)_VicinityMap.pdf
Planning Commission Staff Report dated November 2, 2017 for General Plan Amendment No. GPA-002-2017(A)11/28/2017Backup MaterialGPA-002-2017(A)_SR.pdf
Planning Commission Resolution No. 5901-17 for GPA-002-2017(A)11/28/2017ResolutionGPA-002-2017(A)_Reso.pdf
Planning Commission Draft Minute Excerpt of November 2, 201711/28/2017Backup MaterialGPA-002-2017(A)MinuteExcerpt.doc