Item Coversheet

Agenda Item - 7.a.

City of Garden Grove


To:Scott C. Stiles

From:William E. Murray
Dept.:City Manager 

Dept.: Public Works 
Discussion of theft and scavenging of recycling materials from
residential garbage containers as requested by the City Council. (Continued from the November 14, 2017, meeting.) (Action Item)


To discuss the theft and scavenging of garbage containers in residential areas and possible enforcement actions.  This was requested at the City Council meeting held on October 24, 2017, and at the November 14, 2017, City Council meeting the item was continued to November 28, 2017.

Solid waste collection regulations are within the jurisdiction of the Garden Grove Sanitary District (GGSD). Section 5.10.080 of the GGSD Code of Regulations prohibits scavenging. Violations can be prosecuted as misdemeanors per Chapter 6.20 of the GGSD Code of Regulations.

In response to scavenging violations, our Police Department and Code Enforcement Officers can issue criminal citations, but not administrative citations. Considering that this may not be the best use of Police Department forces, Council may want Code Enforcement officers to handle this issue.  In an effort to assist Code Enforcement, Council may consider adding administrative citation fines to the GGSD Code, which would require GGSD approval.  This would allow administrative citations to be used by Code Enforcement officers.


Currently, Code Enforcement is minimally staffed and the addition of  scavenging enforcement  could impact current Code Enforcement efforts.  It should be noted that theft of recyclables, to a minimal extent, affects our waste haulers rates and rebates to the City.


This item for discussion is for information.  The link to the Garden Grove Sanitary District Code of Regulations can be found on the Public Works page of the City's website under Trash and Recycling.