Item Coversheet

Agenda Item - 4.c.

City of Garden Grove


To:Scott C. Stiles

From:Maria Stipe
Dept.:City Manager 

Dept.: City Manager 

Adoption of a Resolution authorizing the award of a demolition contract per Section 2.50.070 of the Garden Grove Municipal Code for properties located at 12262 and 12292 Tamerlane Drive, 12239 Choisser Road, and 12401 Harbor Boulevard, Garden Grove.  (Estimated Cost:  $200,000) (Action Item)



For the City Council to adopt the attached Resolution authorizing the City Manager to award a contract for the demolition of vandalized and substandard structures at 12262 and 12292 Tamerlane Drive, 12239 Choisser Road, and 12401 Harbor Boulevard, Garden Grove  (collectively, the “Properties”).


The Garden Grove Agency for Community Development and the City acquired the Properties for the purpose of conveying and developing an upscale hotel and related amenities and the possible relocation of Fire Station 6 in the area generally referred to as Site B-2, south of the Sheraton Hotel.


The Properties have deteriorated rapidly since they were acquired, have been repeatedly vandalized and used for criminal activity due to the fact that they have remained vacant for an extended period of time. The Properties are in poor condition which pose an immediate health and safety concern to the surrounding neighborhood and are a liability to the City.


Section 2.50.070 of the Garden Grove Municipal Code authorizes the City Council to proceed with the repairs of a public facility without adopting plans, specifications, working details, or notice inviting bids in cases of emergency.  A recent stabbing at one of the properties and constant break-ins by individuals engaged in criminal activity has prompted the Police Department and the City Manager to seek demolition of the properties as an emergency.


It is estimated that the cost of demolition for the subject Properties will not exceed $200,000, and will be paid from available carryover funds from fund 106.  The property at 12401 Harbor Boulevard is a CDBG asset purchased for governmental use.  The related demolition costs will be reimbursed from CDBG funds if available.


It is recommended that the City Council:


  • Adopt the attached Resolution authorizing the award of a demolition contract in accordance with Section 2.50.070 of the Municipal Code.


By:  Shawn Park, Administrative Analyst

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CC Resolution 11/9/2017Resolution11-14-17_CC_Resolution_Approving_Emergency_Demolition_of_Vandaized_Properties.pdf