Item Coversheet

Agenda Item - 2.a.

City of Garden Grove


To:Scott C. Stiles

From:Janet Pelayo
Dept.:City Manager 

Dept.: Community Services 
Subject:Consideration of a request from Action Civics LA to waive fees for their Project Soapbox competition to be held at the Community Meeting Center on Sunday, December 3, 2017. (Sponsorship Cost: $1,190) (Action Item)Date:10/24/2017


To transmit a letter from Action Civics LA, requesting that the City Council waive the co-sponsorship policy regarding weekend use of a City facility to conduct their third annual Orange County-wide Project Soapbox competition at the Community Meeting Center on Sunday, December 3, 2017.

The Orange County-wide Project Soapbox competition is the culminating celebration, where over 400 Orange County middle and high school students participate in Project Soapbox to identify community-based issues, conduct research and address these issues in front of their peers and community leaders. Winners from school-based Project Soapbox competitions are invited to perform at the County-wide competition held on Sunday, December 3rd.


The annual event provides an opportunity for youth, community and civic leaders, family and friends to engage in an afternoon of civil discourse and problem-solving discussions. Participating schools from Garden Grove Unified School District include Pacifica High School, Doig Intermediate, and Los Amigos High School. 


At present, the City Council policy allows for co-sponsorship of events at City facilities Monday through Friday (8am-5pm). The Action Civics LA is requesting that the City Council make an exception and allow their group to utilize the Community Meeting Center on Sunday, December 3, 2017 at no charge for use of the room.


The Action Civics LA would still be required to pay the cost of set-up fees and staff time. 


The cost to waive the Community Meeting Center room rental fees through co-sponsorship of the Action Civics LA Project Soapbox is $1,190 for a three (3) hour time slot, which excludes the cost of staff and set-up fees of the event. This event on Sunday, December 3, 2017, does not conflict with any scheduled or pre-scheduled events and therefore will not result in any lost revenue to the City.  


It is recommended that the City Council: 


  • Consider the request from Action Civics LA.

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Written Request from Civics Action LA10/17/2017Cover MemoCo-sponsorship_Request_from_Action_Civics_LA_10-17-17.pdf