Item Coversheet

Agenda Item - 2.a.

City of Garden Grove


To:Scott C. Stiles, Director

From:Lisa L. Kim

Dept.: Economic Development 

Selection of the Oversight Board Chair and Vice Chair.  (Action Item)



The purpose of this report is to inform the Oversight Board of the Successor Agency to the Garden Grove Agency for Community Development (“Oversight Board”) of a vacancy replacement on the Oversight Board and the need to select a new Chair and Vice Chair of the Oversight Board.


On August 22, 2017, the City received notification from William Dalton indicating that he would no longer be able to serve on the Oversight Board.  Mr. Dalton’s position on the board was via an appointment by the Mayor.  As such, through the power delegated to Mayor Steve Jones pursuant to ABx1-26 and AB-1484, he has appointed Mrs. Lee Butterfield a Garden Grove resident to fill the vacancy.  


Additionally, Mr. Dalton was originally elected as Chair of the Oversight Board. With his resignation from the Oversight Board, the board members should elect a new Chair of the Oversight Board to serve for the remainder of Mr. Dalton’s term as Chair.



Staff recommends that the Oversight Board:


  •  Elect one member of the Oversight Board to serve as Chair of the Oversight Board of the Successor Agency to the Garden Grove Agency for Community Development for the remainder of Mr. Dalton’s term and a Vice Chair if deemed necessary.




By:  Monica Covarrubias, Project Manager