Item Coversheet

Agenda Item - 3.b.

City of Garden Grove


To:Scott Stiles

From:Kimberly Huy
Dept.:City Manager 

Dept.: Community Services 

Request from the Garden Grove Neighborhood Association's to waive fees for a fundraising event for Little Angels Service Dogs to be held at the Courtyard Center. (Cost: $740) (Action Item)



To transmit a letter from the Garden Grove Neighborhood Association (GGNA), requesting that the City Council waive their policy regarding weekend use of a City facility to conduct a special fund raising event at the Courtyard Center.


The GGNA is a tax exempt non-profit 501(c)(4), that enhances the quality of life of Garden Grove residents by providing fun, family activities as a way to bridge the gap, building a strong bond between residents and the city.


The GGNA is planning a fund raising event with Little Angels Service Dogs to provide a dog for a Garden Grove family who needs the dog to assist their autistic son.  The cost of the dog is approximately $26,000 ($12,000 has been raised to date).


At present, the City Council policy allows for sponsorship of City facilities Monday through Friday (8am-5pm).  GGNA is requesting that the City Council make an exception and allow the non-profit to utilize the Courtyard Center on a Friday or Saturday night, based upon the availability of the Center.


The GGNA would still be required to pay the cost of set-up fees, staff time and security (if required).


The cost to co-sponsor the GGNA fundraiser for exclusive use of the Courtyard Center by a non-profit group is $740 for a six (6) hour time slot, which excludes the cost to staff, set-up and security of the event. 


It is recommended that the City Council:


  • Provide direction to staff regarding how to proceed.

DescriptionUpload DateTypeFile Name
Written Request7/19/2017Cover MemoGGNA_Courtyard_Request_Letter.docx
Description of Program7/19/2017Cover Memolittle_angels_service_dogs.pdf