Item Coversheet

Agenda Item - 3.c.

City of Garden Grove


To:Scott C. Stiles

From:Maria Stipe
Dept.:City Manager 

Dept.: City Manager 

Approval of Amendment No. 1 to the Consultant Services Agreement with Overland, Pacific & Cutler, Inc. to provide right-of-way consulting and related Real Property professional services.  (Cost:  $8,000) (Action Item)




For the City Council to approve Amendment No. 1 to the Consultant Services Agreement with Overland, Pacific & Cutler, Inc. (“OPC”) for right-of-way consulting and related Real Property professional services as they pertain to ongoing development projects.


On January 23, 2017, the City Manager approved a Consultant Services Agreement (“Agreement”) with OPC in the amount of $45,000 over a 6-month term. The services provided by OPC include professional right-of-way services in-house and related professional services pertaining to real property during the interim of filling the City's Real Property Agent position.


Preparing, updating and providing right-of-way services to the Site C hotel development project and the Brookhurst Triangle project have exhausted the current contract amount. In order for the City to continue to provide proper right-of-way support services for the City’s development projects, the Agreement with OPC needs to be amended to provide an additional month.  


Funding is available through the Development Agreement Fund, and is included in the current Fiscal Year 2016-17 budget.


It is recommended that the City Council:


  • Approve Amendment No. 1 to the Consultant Services Agreement with Overland, Pacific & Cutler, Inc., in the amount of $8,000, to provide right-of-way consulting and related professional services; and


  • Authorize the City Manager to sign the Amendment on behalf of the City.




By:  Shawn Park, Administrative Analyst


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OPC Amendment 15/31/2017Cover Memo11134_GGR-040-01_02_City_of_Garden_Grove_-_PSA_Amendment_1_Rev1.docx