Item Coversheet

Agenda Item - 5.f.

City of Garden Grove


To:Scott C. Stiles

From:William Murray
Dept.:City Manager 

Dept.: Public Works 
Subject:Award of contract to Siemens Industry, Inc., for on-call traffic signal and street lighting maintenance and repair services.  (Cost:  $300,000) (Action Item)Date:6/13/2017


To request that the City Council award a contract to Siemens Industry, Inc., for on-call signal and street lighting maintenance and repair services.


The City of Garden Grove owns and maintains 672 streetlights and 132 traffic signals.  The Engineering Division currently oversees a Traffic Management Center (TMC), 35 CCTV cameras, three permanent changeable message signs, and approximately 30 miles of fiber optics. 


The Engineering Division has a staff of two signal maintenance electricians (one position is currently vacant) who perform the daily maintenance on these systems.  The proposed on-call contractor would primarily respond to emergency situations when accidents cause poles and controller cabinets to be damaged or knocked down, and also assist in performing routine maintenance when City staff is unavailable.


The City’s current on-call contract, approved on January 24, 2012, for traffic signal and street lighting maintenance and repair services will expire on June 30, 2017.


Staff solicited requests for proposals and received two proposals.  A panel consisting of three staff members rated the proposals on the basis of qualifications, work plan, and references.  Based on the evaluation results, Siemens Industry, Inc., rated the highest. The following is a summary of the ratings:


Siemens Industry, Inc.

Aegis ITS

Rater A



Rater B



Rater C







The proposed agreement shall be for a period of three years commencing upon the date of execution and shall include options for two additional one year terms.


Funds to cover contractual services will be included in theproposed Fiscal Year 2017/18 base budget. There is no additional impact to the General Fund.


It is recommended that the City Council:


  • Award a contract, in an amount not to exceed $300,000 for a three year term with two one-year extensions, to Siemens Industry, Inc., for on-call traffic signal and street lighting maintenance and repair services; and


  • Authorize the City Manager to sign the contract on behalf of the City.



By:     Dai C. Vu, P.E., Traffic Engineer

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Agreement6/1/2017Backup MaterialSiemens_Industry_Inc._Agreement.pdf