Item Coversheet

Agenda Item - 6.a.

City of Garden Grove


To:Mayor and Members of the City Council

From:Omar Sandoval
Dept.:City Council 

Dept.: City Attorney 
Subject:Adoption of a Resolution opposing State Assembly Bill 22 as requested by the City Council.  (Action Item)Date:5/23/2017


Existing law provides that it shall be sufficient cause for the dismissal of any public employee when such public employee advocates or is knowingly a member of the Communist Party or of an organization which during the time of his membership he knows advocates overthrow of the Government of the United States or of any state by force or violence.  However, Assembly Bill 22 (AB22) was introduced in the State Assembly in December 2016, which would remove all references to the Communist Party and would no longer allow a public employee to be fired for being a member of the Communist Party.


At the regular Council Meeting on May 9, 2017, Council Member Klopfenstein moved the Council to agendize the adoption of a resolution opposing the passage of AB22.  Mayor Pro Tem Bui seconded the motion and the Council approved consideration of the resolution at its May 23 meeting by unanimous vote.


Council Member Klopfenstein and Mayor Pro Tem Bui collaborated in the preparation of the attached resolution opposing the passage of AB22, which also urges the Governor to veto it should the Legislature pass it.  Additionally, late Wednesday afternoon, on May 17, 2017, the Orange County Register reported that the bill's author, Assemblyman Bonta, announced that he was shelving the bill and apologized to veterans and people who fled the communist regime in Vietnam.



It is recommended that the City Council:


  • Consider the attached Council Policy Resolution.

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