Item Coversheet

Agenda Item - 5.b.

City of Garden Grove


To:Scott C. Stiles

From:Todd D. Elgin
Dept.:City Manager's Office 

Dept.: Police 
Subject:Approval of the First Amendment to the Agreement with the County of Orange to provide forensic services.  (Cost: $525,153) (Action Item) Date:5/23/2017


To secure City Council approval of an Agreement with the County of Orange to provide forensic services for the City.


Since 1996, the City has contracted with the County for forensic services. The Orange County Crime Lab provides these services and is the only local forensic lab that can provide all the forensic services required by the City of Garden Grove.


Historically, we have had five year agreements with the County of Orange. Fiscal Year 2015-16 was the final year of our current contract, and Fiscal Year 2017-18 will be the second year of the new five year agreement.


To summarize our Fiscal Year 2017-18 contract with the Crime Lab, the City is paying for the following level of service:

  • One (1) Lead Forensic Specialist (2096 Hours)
  • One (1) Forensic Scientist III (2096 Hours)
  • One (1) Forensic Specialist (2096 Hours)
  • Aggregate Overtime (140 Hours)

The County reimburses the City the cost of all unused overtime.  


The Crime Lab provides all supplies and film processing directly related to services performed by their personnel under the terms of this agreement.


The current contract agreement with the County of Orange for forensic services expires on June 30, 2017.  As recommended by the Police Department and pursuant to Garden Grove Municipal Code Section 2.50.060(d), the Finance Director has determined that the County of Orange is the only provider of forensic services available.


DNA is leading technology for gathering forensic evidence and solving crimes.  Having a Forensic Scientist assigned to Garden Grove for DNA casework has dramatically reduced the time to obtain Crime Lab results, which has made the Detective Unit more effective. The Police Department is very satisfied with the level of service from the Sheriff’s Crime Lab. 


The full cost of providing the foregoing level of service for Fiscal Year 2017-18 is estimated to be $525,153.  This is an increase of $58,960 from the current fiscal year cost of $466,496.


It is recommended that the City Council:


  • Approve the amendment to the agreement with the County of Orange to provide forensics services to the City, in the amount of $525,153, for Fiscal Year 2017-18; and
  • Authorize the Mayor to execute the agreement on behalf of the City.


By:  Lieutenant Bob Bogue, Support Services Bureau, Investigations

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