Item Coversheet

Agenda Item - 3.g.

City of Garden Grove


To:Scott C. Stiles

From:William E. Murray
Dept.:City Manager 

Dept.: Public Works 

Award of contract to Nichols Consulting Engineers to provide a City-wide Pavement Management Program for Fiscal Years 2017/18 through 2020/21. (Cost:  $127,312) (Action Item)



For City Council to award a contract to Nichols Consulting Engineers (NCE) to collect, update, and manage road condition data for the City-wide Pavement Management Program (PMP) for Fiscal Years 2017/18 through 2020/21.


The Engineering Division and Street Division of the Public Works Department utilize a PMP to determine maintenance needs for the City’s network of roads, streets and alleys.  A major requirement of the PMP is to generate condition assessment information of the City’s street network.   Arterial streets, collector streets, and residential streets are surveyed for quantity and severity of different types of pavement distresses. These measurements help determine the condition of the streets and prioritize the road rehabilitation and maintenance required.  The measurements  are  also  the  basis  for  competing  for,  and  receiving  needed Orange County Transportation Authority (OCTA) funding  to  sustain  a  safe  roadway network.


The City of Garden Grove’s current street network consists of about 300 centerline miles of road totaling near 67 million square feet of flexible pavements.  MPAH/arterial streets comprise approximately 16 million square feet. Local streets which include collector and residential, comprise approximately 51 million square feet.


The Measure M2 program allocates tax revenues to specific OCTA improvement projects including freeways, local streets & roads, and transit areas. In order to continue receiving Measure M2 funding every two (2) years, a pavement inventory, assessment and projected rehabilitation or replacement data must be collected and submitted to OCTA. Collection of our street condition data is a critical step in applying for grant funds from OCTA, and is necessary in the setting of projected maintenance priorities and strategies.


The proposed contract provides for the performance of a pavement evaluation every two years and provides a biennial PMP report to OCTA.   The report will be in conformance with the OCTA Countywide Pavement Management Plan Guideline dated January 2016 (or the latest edition during the terms of agreement).


Public Works invited qualified firms to submit written proposals to provide PMP services.  The following firms responded to the City’s request for proposals (RFP):


  • Bucknam Infrastructure Group (Bucknam)
  • GIE Consulting Engineers (GIE)
  • Nichols Consulting Engineers (NCE)


The proposals were evaluated by Engineering and Streets Maintenance staff from Public Works. The selection process is based on experience of the firm on similar projects, qualifications of the team, firm’s knowledge and understanding of the project, availability, and customer service experience provided by their respective references.  Based on the tallied scores from the three evaluators, NCE obtained the highest score garnering a total of 550 points out of a possible 600 points.


The term of this service agreement will be for a period of three (3) years from full execution of agreement, with option to extend said agreement an additional one (1) year for a total performance period of four (4) years.   NCE submitted the fee proposal that was reviewed and evaluated by Public Works with a grand total price of $ 127,312.00 for the three-year term.



The anticipated contract schedule is as follows:


Award signed contract         -   June 30, 2017

Notice to Proceed                -   July 3, 2017

End of the 3-year contract   -   July 2, 2020

End of the 1 year extension -   July 2, 2021


The  Professional  Services  Agreement  cost  for  a  term  of  three  (3)  years  in  the  amount $127,312 will be available  in the  Public Works  Department budget.


 It is recommended that the City Council:


  • Award a Contract to Nichols Consulting Engineers, in the amount of $127,312.00, for City-wide Pavement Management Program for a period of three (3) years from full execution of the agreement, with an option to extend said agreement an additional one (1) year for a total performance period of four (4) years;



  • Authorize the City Manager to execute the agreement, and make minor modifications as appropriate thereto, on behalf of the City.



By:  Mike Santos, Associate Engineer

DescriptionUpload DateTypeFile Name
Attachment 1 - Proposal Evaluation Sheet5/4/2017Backup MaterialAttachment_1_-_Proposal_Evaluation_Sheet.pdf
Attachment 2 - Consultant Agreement5/4/2017Backup MaterialAttachment_2_-_Consultant_Agreement.pdf
Exhibit A - NCE Proposal to Provide PMP5/4/2017Backup MaterialExhibit_A_-_NCE_Proposal_to_Provide_PMP.pdf