Item Coversheet

Agenda Item - 4.a.

City of Garden Grove


To:Scott C. Stiles

From:William E. Murray
Dept.:General Manager 

Dept.: Public Works 

Approval of payment to Paulus Engineering, Inc., for emergency repair of a collapsed sewer line on Lenore Avenue, Garden Grove.  (Cost:  $366,654.42) (Action Item)



To request the Garden Grove Sanitary District Board (GGSD) authorize  payment to Paulus Engineering, Inc., for the emergency repair of a collapsed sewer line on Lenore Avenue, between Springdale Street and Lamplighter Street.  


In February, the GGSD staff inspected a sewer line on Lenore Avenue, between Springdale Street and Lamplighter Street, which was directly below a sink hole that had occurred. The camera inspection revealed that the sewer line had sunk and was broken in several different areas. It was also discovered that one of the residential laterals was broken near the sewer line. Paulus Engineering was contacted to make emergency repairs to the sewer line and private lateral connection.


On February 28, 2017, the GGSD adopted the attached Resolution authorizing the District to proceed with emergency repairs to the sewer line and sink hole on Lenore Avenue. It was anticipated at that time, that the total costs would be approximately $300,000.


During the repair to the sewer line, Paulus Engineering crew experienced some unexpected issues that impacted the total cost of the repair.  The contractor found high groundwater levels in the area of repair that required the installation of de-watering wells and pumps prior to repairing the sewer line and residential lateral. The de-watering pumps needed to be replaced numerous times since silt in the line clogged the pumps. Additionally, the high groundwater levels did not recede as quickly as anticipated. Due to these unforeseen problems, the final total cost of the repair is $366,654.42.


There is no financial impact to the General Fund. The repair of $366,654.42 will be funded from the Garden Grove Sanitary District Budget.


It is recommended that the Garden Grove Sanitary District Board:


  • Approve an emergency payment to Paulus Engineering, Inc., in the amount of $366,654.42 for replacing ninety-seven feet of a broken and collapsed sewer line.



By:  Brent Hayes, Public Works Supervisor

DescriptionUpload DateTypeFile Name
Resolution5/9/2017Backup Material3768-17_Sinkhole_on_Lenore_Emergency_Repairs.pdf
Paulus Engineering, Inc.- Work Order Breakdown5/10/2017Cover MemoPEI.pdf
Paulus Engineering, Inc. - 1) Invoice / Summary5/10/2017Cover MemoPEI_1.pdf
Paulus Engineering, Inc.- 2) Hours, Daily Labor, Equipment5/10/2017Cover MemoPEI_2.pdf
Paulus Engineering, Inc.- 3) Supplier, Rentals, Subcontractors5/10/2017Cover MemoPEI_3.pdf
Paulus Engineering, Inc.- 4) Photos5/11/2017Cover MemoPEI_4.pdf