Item Coversheet

Agenda Item - 2.a.

City of Garden Grove


To:Scott C. Stiles

From:William E. Murray
Dept.:General Manager 

Dept.: Public Works 

Adoption of a Resolution declaring a surplus property located at 12782 Bailey Street, Garden Grove. (Action Item)



That the Sanitary District Board declare that the property located at 12782 Bailey Street, Garden Grove, California (Property) also known as APN 217-024-24, is a surplus parcel in connection with the Tiffany Pump Station restoration project.

The District's work at the Tiffany Pump Station restoration project (Project) required acquisition of the Property. The Project has been completed and the Property is no longer required for the Project or for any future use by the District. 


Health & Safety Code section 6514 provides that the District may, for the purposes of the District's functions, acquire real and personal property as the Board deems necessary or proper to exercise its powers, and may dispose of such property as the Board finds to be no longer required for the purposes of the District.  Attached for the Board's consideration is a proposed Resolution (Attachment 1) declaring the Property as surplus and is not necessary for any anticipated future use by the District, and authorize disposition of said surplus parcel subject to applicable law.   


The District's long term financial plan has assumed the sale of surplus property as a source of additional revenue and reduction in liability.  To the extent that surplus properties are not sold, revenues and financial capacity are reduced and the District remains liable for maintenance of the Property. 


It is recommended that the Sanitary District Board:


  • Adopt the attached Resolution declaring the Property as surplus and authorizing the General Manger to dispose of it pursuant to applicable law. 


  • Authorize the General Manger to execute the required documents necessary to dispose of the property as surplus pursuant to applicable law. 



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Resolution 4/18/2017Cover Memo4-25-17_GGSD_Surplus_Property_Board_Resolution.pdf