Item Coversheet

Agenda Item - 3.b.

City of Garden Grove


To:Scott C. Stiles

From:Tom Schultz
Dept.:City Manager 

Dept.: Fire 

Award of contract to Ocean Blue Environmental Services, Inc. for removal of hazardous and biological materials from City properties. (Cost: $115,000) (Action Item)



To request City Council to award a contract to Ocean Blue Environmental Services, Inc. for the handling and removal of hazardous and non-hazardous biological waste on city properties.


The City utilized the City of Los Angeles public bid process, and on February 14, 2012, the City Council approved a five (5) year contract with Ocean Blue Environmental Services, Inc. for the removal of hazardous and biological materials.  As the term for the contract ended, the City utilized the City of Los Angeles public bid process for 2016, and Ocean Blue was the successful bidder.  The City received the same economy of scale for services as City of Los Angeles.  


Ocean Blue Environmental Services, Inc., is recommended as the vendor for the removal of hazardous and biological waste on city properties.  Multiple departments (Fire, Public Works, and Police) utilize Ocean Blue frequently.  Ocean Blue has been a responsive contractor and has performed at an above average level of service.  The City will continue to benefit from the economy of scale.


The contract is not to exceed $115,000 per year, with the term for a five (5) year period.  Sufficient funds are currently established within the proposed Fire, Police, and Public Works department budgets.  No additional financial impacts will occur.  


It is recommended that City Council:


  • Award a contract to Ocean Blue Environmental Services, Inc., for hazardous materials and biological clean-ups within the City, for five (5) years, in the amount not to exceed $115,000 per year; and


  • Authorize the City Manager to sign the contract on behalf of the City, making minor modifications thereto as necessary.



By:  Lucia Medina-Whittaker, Fiscal Analyst

DescriptionUpload DateTypeFile Name
Contract with Ocean Blue3/29/2017Cover MemoAgreement_(PSA)__4.11.17-4.10.22.pdf
Attachment A - Ocean Blue Agreement with City of Los Angeles3/29/2017Cover Memo2016_Ocean_Blue_and_City_of_Los_Angeles_Signed_Contract__Attachment_A.pdf