Item Coversheet

Agenda Item - 4.c.

City of Garden Grove


To:Scott C. Stiles

From:William E. Murray
Dept.:City Manager 

Dept.: Public Works 

Acceptance of Projects as Complete for Federal Project No. STPL-5328(076)/City Project No. 7277: Knott Street Rehabilitation, and City Project No. 7228: Valley View Street Rehabilitation.  (Action Item)  



For City Council to accept Federal Project No. STPL-5328(076)/City Project No. 7277:  Knott Street Rehabilitation from Garden Grove Boulevard to Lampson Avenue; and City Project No. 7228:  Valley View Street Rehabilitation from SR 22 west bound off-ramp to Tiffany Avenue as complete, and authorize the City Manager to execute the Notice of Completion of Public Improvement and Work.


In 2015, the City received $500,000 in federal funding for the rehabilitation of Knott Street, from Garden Grove Boulevard to Lampson Avenue, as part of the Arterial Pavement Management Program administered by Caltrans.


The project consisted of roadway rehabilitation by full depth reclamation with cement treatment, asphalt paving, removal and reconstruction of sidewalk, curb, curb & gutter, drive approach, bus pad, local depression, and handicap ramps, installation of catch basin inlet filters, adjustment of utility covers to finish surface, installation of video detection system, installation of traffic signal detector loops, traffic striping, and signage, installation of irrigation and landscaping, and other items required by the plans and specifications.  The contractor, R.J. Noble Company, has completed the improvements in accordance with the plans, specifications, and other contract documents.


There is no financial impact to the General Fund.  The subject projects were funded through Gas Tax (Fund 061 and 075), Federal Grants (Fund 359), CIWMB (Fund 231), Measure “M” (Fund 421) and Measure “M2” (Fund 422) funds and were completed within the project budget and schedule.  The retention payments will be released after recordation of the Notice of Completion.


It is recommended that the City Council:


  • Accept Federal Project No. STPL-5328(076)/City Project No. 7277 – Knott Street Rehabilitation from Garden Grove Boulevard to Lampson Avenue and City Project No. 7228 – Valley View Street Rehabilitation from 22 west bound off-ramp to Tiffany Avenue as complete;
  • Authorize the City Manager to execute the Notice of Completion of Public Works Improvement and Work; and
  • Authorize the Finance Director to release the retention payment when appropriate to do so. 



By:  Nick Hsieh, Associate Engineer

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