Item Coversheet

Agenda Item - 4.e.

City of Garden Grove


To:Scott C. Stiles

From:Tom Schultz
Dept.:City Manager 

Dept.: Fire 
Subject:Adoption of a Resolution initiating the Spring 2017 Weed/Rubbish Abatement Program. (Action Item)Date:3/14/2017


Staff is requesting that the City Council adopt the attached Resolution regarding weed and rubbish abatement, authorizing the Spring 2017 Weed Abatement Program as provided for under Government Code Section 39500 et seq.


The Fire Department administers the Weed Abatement Program for the City, providing for the abatement of weeds, rubbish, and debris from vacant parcels of land within the city.  The process is repeated twice a year, designated as a Fall and Spring Weed Abatement Program.  The objective of the program is the removal of weeds, dirt, rubbish, and debris from vacant lots, as these represent a potential fire hazard to adjacent and surrounding properties, and the community.  At this time, staff is in the process of organizing the Spring 2017 Weed and Rubbish Abatement Program and has thoroughly surveyed the city, compiling an inventory of those vacant lots, that qualify for the Spring 2017 Weed Abatement Program.


Under State Law, a Resolution is required that provides a determination by the City Council that a nuisance exists on a subject property and describes the parcel(s) that need to be abated. The “Declaration of Public Nuisance” Resolution is attached.  As a required part of the Resolution, a description of qualifying parcels and information regarding the ownership of each parcel is included as “Exhibit A” Weed Notice-Spring 2017. Upon adoption of this Resolution, all property owners listed on Exhibit A, will be notified that April, 15 2017, is the final day to have their property cleared, after which an inspection by the City, for compliance on their part, will take place. The Weed Abatement Official and the City’s Contractor will again survey the city on April 11, 2017, making on-site inspections as to whether the listed parcel sites have been cleared. The initial Exhibit A, list of parcels, will then be updated, retaining those properties still found to be a public nuisance. This list will be distributed to non-compliant property owners prior to the April 25, 2017, City Council Meeting, notifying them of the meeting and Public Hearing during which protests, if any, will be heard from subject property owners. Prior to this meeting, the City Council will receive another staff report, including an updated Exhibit A, and further requests for City Council action regarding the Weed Abatement Program.


Program costs and administrative costs have been included in the Fire Department’s budget for the current fiscal year.  It is anticipated that costs will be recaptured through future invoicing of non-compliant property owners, as well as the attachment and subsequent satisfaction of property liens, (in the case of non-payment), as required.


It is recommended that the City Council:


  • Adopt the attached Resolution authorizing the Spring 2017 Weed Abatement Program; and


  • Direct staff to proceed with the weed abatement process as required under Government Code Section 39500 et seq., which also requires mailing of written Weed Abatement Notices to property owners, as listed in the last Equalized Assessment Roll and as officially identified in Exhibit A, dated March 3, 2017.



By: Bryson Dahlheimer, Fire Prevention Technician

DescriptionUpload DateTypeFile Name
Resolution Spring 20173/9/2017Cover Memo3-14-17_ResSpring2017.docx
Weeds Spring 2017 Exhibit A3/2/2017Exhibitweeds-exhibitA.pdf