Item Coversheet

Agenda Item - 3.c.

City of Garden Grove


To:Scott C. Stiles

From:Teresa Pomeroy
Dept.:City Manager 

Dept.: City Clerk 

Adoption of a Resolution approving the Fire Department Records Retention Schedule.  (Action Item)



For the City Council to adopt the attached Resolution approving the retention schedule for City Fire Department records.


With the pending transition of the City's Fire Department to the Orange County Fire Authority (OCFA), all Fire Department records prior to the contract date of August 16, 2019,  will be the City's responsibility for retention and/or destruction.  Records after commencement of the contract will be OCFA's responsibility.  The City's retention schedule for all departments was adopted by the City Council in 2015, and updates to the schedule are necessary to identify records including the Office of Record and to accurately align with the State of California's records retention schedule.  


The attached Resolution to adopt the the City's Fire Department retention schedule has been reviewed by the City's Fire Department staff, City Clerk's Office staff, and the City Attorney's Office.  Amendments to the 2015 adopted retention schedule are in line with State of California's records retention schedule and the Government Code.  With adoption by the City Council, the retention schedule will be used to maintain the City's Fire Department records for the purpose of adhering to the Public Records Act.



It is recommended that the City Council:


  • Adopt the attached Resolution approving the City's Fire Department Records Retention Schedule.

DescriptionUpload DateTypeFile Name
CC Resolution8/6/2019Resolution8-13-19_Approve_FD_Records_Retention_Schedule_FINAL.pdf
Exhibit A8/8/2019Exhibit8-13-19_Fire_Dept._Retention_Schedule_2015_CLEAN-FINAL.pdf