Item Coversheet

Agenda Item - 5.b.

City of Garden Grove


To:Scott C. Stiles

From:Lisa L. Kim
Dept.:City Manager 

Dept.: Economic Development 

Introduction and first reading of an Ordinance approving an amendment to Planned Unit Development No. PUD-103-76



To transmit a recommendation from the Planning Commission to the City Council, and to request that the City Council introduce and conduct the first reading of the attached Ordinance approving Planned Unit Development No. PUD-103-76 (REV. 2018), to amend the permitted uses within the “Industry” sub-district (Area 4) to allow professional office uses.


On May 11, 1976, the City Council approved Ordinance No. 1501 to rezone approximately 212 acres of agricultural land to PUD-103-76 (Planned Unit Development), also known as the Irvine Industrial Complex, to allow the development of industrial-commercial, multi-tenant industrial, and general light industrial.  PUD-103-76 has a General Plan Land Use designation of Industrial and is located on the east side of Knott Street, west of Western Avenue, south of the Stanton Storm Channel, and north of Chapman Avenue.


The Irvine Industrial Complex was designed with a mix of sub-districts to accommodate four (4) land uses: “Industrial Commercial” (Area 1), “Multi-tenant Industry” (Area 2), “Special Industry” (Area 3), and “Industry” (Area 4).  The PUD is intended to allow for industrial uses in all four (4) sub-districts, such as research and development, manufacturing, and warehouse and distribution.  The “Industrial Commercial” (Area 1) also allows for commercial uses, including business and professional offices, and commercial activities to support the industrial park, such as beauty shops, branch banks, health clubs, and professional offices. 


The applicant, Southland Industries, currently owns a 104,096 square foot property improved with a two-story, 37,879 square foot building located within Area 4 of PUD-103-76, at 7390 Lincoln Way.  Southland Industries, a construction engineering company, was approved to occupy the building in 2011 as a construction industry use, which is a permitted use in Area 4 of the PUD.  The overall configuration of the existing property and building was designed to accommodate a professional office use.  The building was parked at an office professional rate, at 1 space per 250 square feet of gross floor building area. 


Southland Industries recently relocated their operation to 12131 Western Avenue to consolidate their operation.  As a result, the applicant is proposing to sell the property as a professional office building.  According to the applicant, the property is currently in escrow with a mortgage company, which is considered a professional office use.  Area 4 of the PUD does not allow businesses that are entirely professional office.  In order to allow a professional office to operate in Area 4 of the PUD, an amendment to the PUD is required. 


On November 1, 2018, the Planning Commission held a Public Hearing to consider Planned Unit Development No. PUD-103-76 (REV. 2018).  At the hearing, no one spoke in favor or in opposition of the proposed amendment.  The Planning Commission voted 6-0, with one (1) commissioner absent, to adopt Resolution No. 5938-18 and recommend that the City Council adopt Planned Unit Development No. PUD-103-76 (REV. 2018) and determine that the Amendment is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act. 


The applicant is requesting approval of an amendment to the PUD-103-76 (Planned Unit Development) zone to allow professional office uses in Area 4, sub-district “Industry”.  The proposed amendment would consist of the following:


PUD-103-76 establishes uses that are allowed in all four (4) areas of the PUD under Section V (General Development Standards), subsection “B” (Permitted Uses).  The amendment to PUD-103-76 will modify the permitted uses to introduce and allow professional office uses, as identified below:


(changes shown in bold and italics)


B.   Permitted Uses

  1. Uses primarily engaged in research activities including research laboratories, developmental laboratories, and compatible light manufacturing.
  2. Manufacture, research assembly, testing and repair of components, devices, equipment and systems and parts and components.
  3. Industries engaged in the distribution and/or storage or warehousing.
  4. Construction industries.
  5. Service industries which provide a service as opposed to the manufacture of a specific product, such as; but not limited to the following: a. repair and maintenance of appliances or component parts; b. tooling; c. printers; d. testing shops; e. small machine shops; f. repair, maintenance and servicing of above listed items (excluding automobile repair).
  6. Support uses, such as but not limited to the following:  a. blueprinting, photostating, photo engraving, printing, publishing and book binding; b. commercial sales/warehousing.
  7. Accessory uses and structures when related and incidental to a permitted use.
  8. Agriculture as a continuation of the existing land use, and all necessary structures and appurtenances.
  9. Professional offices, excluding medical office and health support services (Industry sub-district, Area 4 only).


Staff’s review of the applicant’s request finds that professional office uses would be an appropriate and compatible use in Area 4 of PUD-103-76 as several properties within this area of the PUD are designed to accommodate professional office uses.  Currently, there is a trend and growing demand from professional office uses to occupy industrial buildings due to the larger building footprint.  In addition, the Irvine Industrial Complex was developed to allow a mix of commercial and industrial sub-districts.  Furthermore, the PUD was designed with adequate vehicular circulation and access that can accommodate professional office uses without impacting existing street design. 


All requests to establish professional offices within Area 4 of the PUD will require that the proposed use comply with the parking requirements of the PUD for professional offices (1 space per 250 square feet of gross floor building area), as well as comply with all the building code requirements, including change of occupancy, as required by the Building and Safety Division.


The proposed amendment to PUD-103-76 to allow for professional office uses is consistent with the intent of the PUD and compatible with the existing uses allowed in Area 4 of the PUD.  The proposed amendment will not adversely affect the health, peace, comfort or welfare of persons in the immediate area.


No fiscal impact to the City regarding this proposed amendment.


It is recommended that the City Council:


  • Conduct a Public Hearing; and


  • Introduce and conduct the first reading of the attached Ordinance approving an amendment to Planned Unit Development No. PUD-103-76 (REV. 2018), entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GARDEN GROVE APPROVING PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT NO. PUD-103-76 (REV. 2018) AMENDING PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT NO. PUD-103-76 TO ALLOW PROFESSIONAL OFFICE USES WITHIN THE “INDUSTRY” SUB-DISTRICT (AREA 4) FOR PARCELS LOCATED WITH ASSESSOR’S PARCEL NUMBERS 131-021-26, 27, 28, 33, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 44, 47 & 49; 131-331-36 & 40; 131-651-03, 04, 06, 08, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 25, 26, 27, 28, 32, 36, 37 & 38; and 936-751-31 thru 52.


By: Mary Medrano, Associate Planner

DescriptionUpload DateTypeFile Name
Draft City Council Ordinance for Planned Unit Development No. PUD 103-76 (REV. 2018)11/5/2018OrdinancePUD-103-76REV2018_CCOrd.DOC
Planning Commission Staff Report dated November 1, 201811/5/2018Backup MaterialPUD-103-76REV2018_PCSR.pdf
Planning Commission Resolution No. 5938-1811/5/2018ResolutionPUD-103-76REV2018_PCRESO.pdf
Planning Commission Draft Minute Excerpt of November 1, 201811/5/2018MinutesPUD-103-76REV2018_DraftMinuteExcerpt.doc